Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Its actually what the military industrial complex wanted. Bin ladens aims were far simpler. He had no desire to attack Europe above southern spain for example, he merely wanted all western and especially US influence out of the Arabian peninsula. He didn’t ‘hate freedom’ whatever that even means, he strictly followed the instructions of his holy book was all, and his role is hugely exaggerated, on purpose. ISIS has a completely different ideology. But neither isis nor bin laden are in lairs stroking cats, they just spread their mantras and some muslims chose to follow them. Again, what has to be done is attack the message and the messengers.

War brings out the worst in people, whatever he may or may not have done is far more defensible then a bunch of mind controlled apes who killed 129 innocent people in Paris on Friday night.

You fucking ape.

Bin Laden was a Saudi national was he not?

And you say he didn’t hate freedom, who or what told you that tale pal in fairness?

You’re confusing a very narrow area of benefit to arms dealers and the like with the West as a whole. The hawks in the West who wanted the Iraq war have been thoroughly discredited and humiliated as their grand plans have come crashing down in disaster. None of the current Western governments and militaries have a clue what to do now as a result.

Bin Laden and the fanatical Wahhabist Islamists got exactly what they wanted.

Explain to he how he hated freedom please

Are you being serious. All the hawks wanted was perpetual war, they couldn’t give a fuck about public opinion. They got what they wanted.

Go for it pal. They have enough buoyancy aids, so it should be a matter of swimming out, fondling a few birds and heading off to Bundoran for a week with them to help them integrate

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They were played like fiddles.

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They are still scraping those two boyos off the wall. Probably need a few days to identify them.

Isn’t that what they want?

Fair point. They ran away faster than the Rovers fans in Limerick.


Of course.

The fact that you would equate ISIS and Assad says it all really, and demonstrates what this war cannot be won by Europeans, who have more limp wristed wimpy types than any other part of the world. Its the same shit as “all men are created equal”, religious claptrap totally removed from the reality we live in (nobody is created, we are apes, storytelling apes, some apes smarter than others, that’s it, period.). Your kind of mindset is that all violence is the same, all deaths equal, evil is evil, blah, blah. Everything is on a scale pal, some humans are far more valuable to the survival and propagation of the species, a brilliant young scientist who may find a cure for cancer is more valuable than a lad sitting on his hole collecting welfare. Now that might sound like social Darwinism, but its pragmatic. Something that the modern day PC social media obsessives cannot comprehend, but its reality. Where you may have a point is that Assad, like Saddam, and members of ISIS are psychopaths, just like most of the Nazi leadership were psychopaths. The issue though is society has an obligation to protect itself from these psychopaths, and ISIS or any such fascist organization who start developing a global reach are a danger to all humanity ultimately. What if the cunts took over Pakistan, do you think they would hesitate to nuke all and sundry? That’s why the ebola analogy is valid, even if it sounds inhumane. There is no difference between containing and eradicating ebola, and containing and eradicating a poisonous ideology like we are facing with ISIS. It takes far too long to wake up to that fact.


I know it’s open season on glas here, but when you bovver boys are ready, could one of you answer the perfectly legitimate questions he has set out here? You’ll forgive some of us if we’re an ickle bit dodgy about western intervention in the middle east, as that whole idea hasn’t exactly gone swimmingly well recently. You could actually say it has directly led to the creation of daesh / IS, or whatever the fuck you want to call them.
TBH, @Watch_The_Break seems to be the only one talking any sense here.
I’ll put my two cents in - if you want to end daesh / IS, you strong arm Turkey into not protecting them anymore and start supporting the Kurds. The little pin pricks that allied air bombing of a few huts in the desert and Putin’s “I’m not gay, I have missiles I have” shite won’t change anything. If you want to end these cunts, you let the Kurds loose on them, you arm the Kurds and tell Turkey the game is up, there will be a separate Kurdish state. Turkey is the road block here.
Once that’s all done, you bring Assad out onto the street and administer the same justice Ghaddaffi got. He’s different to Saddam in that most of his population have already risen up against him (we’d be better off if Saddam was still in charge of Iraq), Assad is a total cunt, like his father was. Fuck him.
And then you invade Saudi Arabia and that should pretty much clear the whole thing up.
The Kurds are the key here. IS are scared shitless of them. The Turks are as well, but if the Turks want to stay in NATO, be accepted as a partner, well they’re going to have to give a little.
None of this will happen of course. One year from now, we’ll still be bombing huts in the desert and arguing about sending ground forces in.
Here, read this:


Have a re read there pal. No where does glas equate isis with nazis, he called me a nazi for suggesting they should be killed. We’re all saying it has to be a muslim led or inclusive military action and all the military action in the world wont address the radicalised muslims already in Europe. The wahabbi (sic) schools are just as evil and they are in the west, no need for a US led invasion to where they are already recruiting terrorists. Of course western intervention hasnt ever helped, the false drawing of boundaries led to this situation in the first place. But the west cant sit back and say ah well its all our fault, go to town on us if you want

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Reminds me of Bill Hicks taking a shot at the suicides of two young Judas Priest fans: “That’s two less gas-station attendants in the world. I don’t think we lost a cancer cure … Fuck them, they were idiots, OK?”


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Would broadly agree with most of that. But it ain’t going to happen as you say. The kurds are a great bunch of lads.

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I think you have reading difficulties

So, Isis is more evil than Assad because it has killed westerners, even though Assad has killed more people? Is that correct?

Also, what is your extermination of Isis going to look like? How are you going to manage it and what’s going to happen then?