Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Would you cunts fuck off with your ‘evil’…you all sound like 10 year olds in a school yard.

We need more lads like this


He has in his fuck 1,500 confirmed kills in a year

That’s 4 kills every day :grinning:


Its over folks. They hate the westies and they want to kill us all in as depraved a manner as possible. No amount of praying, hoping, hugs and kisses and releasing doves is going to make a jot of impact.
It’s all ducked.
There is some lovely material here right enough for students and freshfaced cunts like that who think they can change situations like this with scutter idealistic auld nonsense on social media but geeks on social media won’t be solving this one folks.

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With a sword and an axe

whats your solution, einstein?


Woof woof.

Middle East Arabic dailies are continuing to discuss the wider repercussions of the Paris attacks, including on the image of Islam.

Several papers say the real causes behind the emergence of so-called Islamic State include poverty, unemployment and “repressive” governments.

UAE paper Al-Bayan says in an editorial that Islam is being “hurt in its core” and turned into “an image of no life, violence, killing and destruction”.

Jordanian paper Al-Ra’i carries an article by the country’s Mufti, Abd-al-Karim al-Khasawnah, who writes: “The extremists have offended Islam and Muslims with their cruel behaviours, their harsh attitudes and radical ideology.”

A commentary in Egyptian state-owned Al-Ahram calls on Al-Azhar, the most prestigious Sunni Islam institute, to help in facing up to “the terrorist foray” and to address young French people on how “Islam is being dragged into crimes it does not approve”.

Other publications suggest the fight against terrorism should not use exclusively military tools, but should also seek to uproot the causes of hatred and spread a culture of art and creativity.

I’d say he’s including his kill count from Call of Duty on the Xbox.


Surely there are days when Abu “doesnt do a stroke”.

he must surely do a bit of raping on the weekends, possibly keeps his stats ticking over

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you would know

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ISIL/ISIS/Daesh whatever they are called will be seething about the media’s reporting of their fallen ‘heroes’…hard drinking,nightclubbing ,indolent priapic fuckwits with a life in and out of the cage…they’re wasters searching for something to belong to…feel sorry for the other muslims who have their religion hijacked by these bums…



Abaaoud was killed after police raided an apartment in the Paris suburb. He has been formally identified thanks to his fingerprints. His body was found riddled with bullets and shrapnel in the building, the Paris prosecutor says

We got him

We got them all.