Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Indeed. The last sting of a dying wasp.

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How come your spelling improves dramatically at times when other times you couldnt spell “cat”?

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Nice old CNN documentary called ‘Soldiers of God’ - The Americans basking in the glory of having turned the Jihadis into a powerful fighting force in Afghanistan.


I am busy and a boss. I don t check every word i write i am busy minding me and my great workforce


What are Ya? A school principle?

Posting a good essay on war by Michael Parenti here (because it’s as good as any thread to post it to).

"Why are impoverished workers and peasants killing other impoverished workers and peasants? Now we know that our real foe is not in the weave of trenches; not at Ypres, nor at the Somme, or Verdun or Caporetto. Closer to home, closer to the deceptive peace that follows a deceptive war.

Now comes a different conflict. We have enemies at home: the schemers who trade our blood for sacks of gold, who make the world safe for hypocrisy, safe for themselves, readying themselves for the next “humanitarian war.” See how sleek and self-satisfied they look, riding our backs, distracting our minds, filling us with fright about wicked foes. Important things keep happening, but not enough to finish them off. Not yet enough."


I think you are like the “frog in the well”

I am a frog

A crazy frog?

A toad more like…

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Joe of Toad Halla




Next week the Dail should discuss the atrocities in Paris and united EU action required to confront Islamic State & jihadi extremism

Alan Shatter ‏@AlanShatterTD Nov 13
Horrendous devastating atrocities in Paris cruely & starkley illustrate the savagery & moral bankruptcy of fundamentalist Islamic extremism

He would say that.

http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/19/politics/guantanamo-bay-prison-obama/index.html @ChocolateMice @Julio_Geordio

Yes he can!

Serious can he

http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/19/politics/house-democrats-refugee-hearings-obama/index.html @ChocolateMice