Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Joe - Fuck off for yourself. Get some air, watch some porn or take up knitting…but step away from the computer.

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what happened in France last Friday night was the equivalent of 9/11 or the tragic death of Princess Di, a horrific event


Jesus French cops must be shite if you think about it, how many times have they been hit now in Paris, do they be sleeping on the job or what, you’d never get that in England, they got one right good go in London, and that was it, thank god for the British army and the police, I am lucky to be living here

The English had plenty of practise down through the years



Meanwhile the stupid Fine Gael are moving forward with what could be their political suicide

Its allright. Its Thurles

HAVE THEY A BRAIN hey no army no ah ffs

But once they are in, they can move to wherever they like.

They recognise (correctly) that the liberal welfare state of Ireland is a great breeding ground for their twisted Muslim terrorist ideals, plus they will be given shelter and loads of money by the working people of Ireland.

These people can go back to where they came from.

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send in the SAS to France, they’ll sort out Paris good and proper, see the way there was no trouble when they were involved in the policing of the England France game, they’d blow the fuck out of the Neanderthals

Muslim I did not say but we have to protect or country

It turns out that Noonan in Fine Gael is akin to Suarez in Liverpool.

Looks like a winning team, but remove the star player and they are middle of the road, at best.

this cant be right I agree with you

Wow, the start of Prime Tome is shocking.

Prime Time referred to Muslim terrorists as “They”

Prime Time referred to our French European partners as “They”

Prime Time making no distinction between Muslim terrorists and the French people


RTE, financed by the Irish taxpayer, have guests who are rationalising the actions of the Muslim terrorists



whats your plan @flattythehurdler

He wants to let them in and then they might be our friends

Flatty = Hillary Clinton :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

They can all stay in his house.

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