Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Its up there with the death of Katy french

Much as I hate Fitzgerald and FG, the new bill means getting people through the system a lot faster and making it easier to fuck out the bogus ones.

Britain is a great country, mate.

We bombed their cities for decades and almost blew up their Prime Minister and they still always took the Irish in without even checking their passports.

Wonderful tolerance - a model for the current refugee crisis if ever there was one.

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Rigid secularisation of the state and all itsā€™ organs.
Failing that Iā€™m buying somewhere in the stix to grow spuds and weed.

You propose to create secularism by importing thousands of potential Muslim terrorists ???

My goodness. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Enda Kenny has vowed that Ireland will help France in her hour of need. The French military are currently stretched fairly thin around the globe as they look to gear up to fight ISIS on the ground. Enda has recognised this and has proposed sending Irish troops to Africa and the Leb to relieve French troops on peace keeping missions in these countries. However, he maintains we can send only a few soldiers, therefore, after a lot of shit talk it seems that Ireland cannot help France after all. The end.


Itā€™s the thought that counts.


Or in Endaā€™s case being able to count to 10.

The world is a much smaller place without Bill Hicks, an absolute manic genius. His rants about the war on drugs are classic. ā€œYoung man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out a window, what a tragedy. What a fucking dick! Fuck him, heā€™s an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didnā€™t he try and take off from the ground first? You donā€™t see ducks lining up to catch elevators to fly southā€¦ā€


You question other postersā€™ reading comprehension and then you post this? All humans are not equal. If the West left these assorted nutjobs to their own devices they would just eventually all kill each otherā€¦ and as Bill Hicks famously said ā€œthe world would be a lighter placeā€. The only thing that can possibly work there currently is dictatorship, removing Saddam, Ghaddafi, and Assad for that matter makes the problem worse.

How to fight ISIS? The way Al Qaeda were decimated in Afghanistan, preferably with a coalition of western and gulf forces. You have to go in, locate them, and take them out.

I think you may be getting me mixed up with someone else.
I have no particular problem with controlled immigration provided the numbers are controlled in particular, and that the immigrants will adapt to western life.

Ah lovely.

What a statesman. We want to do more, but weā€™re doing everything we can. Which is the same as we were. Youā€™re welcome lads.

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So the handful of westerners Isis has killed is worse than the 100,000 Assad has killed?

Youā€™re a fucking ape.

How simple it all is, you should be president!

Isis destroyed Al Qaida you dumb fuck.

How many non Westerners have ISIS killed? Why are you only cherry picking Westerners? Do you think Westerners lives count more? You sick racist individual.


Seems to be a hostage situation developing in the radisson in Mali.

Not looking good :frowning:
Looks like two men have 170 hostages and are releasing people who can recite the Koran. Army need to storm that place ASAP and kill these fuckers before there is another bloodbath.

The French army are there already. In the country I mean.

Weā€™re on again people, weā€™re onā€¦

Could we describe the situation as fluid?