Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

ah for fuck sake next they will be wanting their own halting sites as well.

hate has caused this, and greed. it can be undone with love and generosity.


and white doves.

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dialogue though. dialogue is central.
then tell them we love them. that we are sorry. that we want to give them gifts to make up for everything and to prove our sincerity we will release the doves and lay down some flowers.

anyone who cant undertstand this is a dumb cunt

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Didnā€™t that Salah Abdeslam chap get stoned after the Paris attacks? That not good enough for you?

Where is the milk tray man when you need him? He could have solved this by leaving a box of chocolates for the lads.


Iā€™ll be safe anyway, ladsā€¦fall in or fuck off.

Cause you look like a rag head or you learnt off the Koran?


Solidarityā€¦ itā€™s something that is being sent all over the globe right now.

Itā€™s incredible to think the Terrorists could have the gal to do something like this after all those profile picture changes earlier in the week. These people are monsters.


Oh, looks like Muslim terrorists again.

Whoā€™d have thunk it?

I read today, and sure maybe itā€™s propaganda, that the terrorist on the run after Paris is now shitting it in case ISIS come after him for chickening out. Which they probably will.

Heā€™s probably realised that it was all a con job and he wasnā€™t destined to die a martyr. Heā€™s now an infidel I suppose.

The boys in Mali are a solo run Iā€™d say. Inspired by Allah or Ali or some other deity. ISIS will claim it Iā€™m sure but Iā€™d have expected them to have killed more than 3 by now.

Itā€™s a sad state of affairs.

Going to be some incredible scenes tomorrow as La Marseillaise is played at football grounds across the UK as a mark of solidarity and mutual respect

Poppies & the army last week, La Marseillaise this week, perhaps Horst Wessel next week?

What an incredible lead that would be for multiculturalism and neighbourliness!

Whatā€™s the Malian national anthem? Sure weā€™ll play the Marseillaise for them as well to fuck, they were listening to it for long enough.


this is a multicultural country of acceptance and mutual respect, Some roaster over from Ireland take a long time to figure that out, ffs, I still roasters staring at black lads and Asians in the street, as if they never saw one before, very embarrassing

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Ou est le papier?

This seems pretty boring. There seems to be a lack of tweets and rumours flying around, plus the timing wasnā€™t great for a Western audience. They should have waited a few more hours.

Black lives matter.