Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

every life matters, except travellers and muslims

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This is an unreal thread. I’ve had to like 4 posts in a row, they were that good. KP, matty, sid and yourself - :clap:

Welcome back pal. Still waiting to hear about the damage you inflicted on yourself in Munich. A form of terrorist attack in itself, no doubt.

His a tool get in Gerry a man with balls

just watching BBC news there, a lad drove from Germany last Saturday with his piano for 7 hours through the night and set it up outside the bataclan theatre and played “imagine” by John Lennon, and then he drove to the other places where attacks took place and did the same,

I broke down crying there for a few minutes



still not right, still not ready to talk about it, there was a lot of drink and drugs involved


Are you ok, mind yourself,


Mali is an anagram of Liam. Is today’s attack a warning to Ireland?


Ireland got our warning the day Harbo got rammed from behind. The clock has been ticking down ever since.

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its only a matter of time before some towel head goes ape in Dublin with a ak47

Any of them over here could be driven to it with the number of times that Bord Bia ham and bacon ad is on the tv.


Any chance we can get ISIS into Scotland?

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Colour this is not about

Colour me bad.

say it colour is not an issue here our religon

Nope, not what I said at all. Just like anywhere in the world there are wonderful people in the Middle East, or rather wonderful people from the Middle East, as most of them with a functioning brain have escaped the shitholes they were born in (much like most of the intelligent Irish left long ago leaving the halfwits and inbreds behind :wink:). I have many good friends from various ME countries, nicer people you would not meet. They take Islam about as seriously as your average Christian in western society takes their religion i.e. call themselves Muslim but don’t do any religious practice. You won’t find them going on pilgrimages to Mecca to be trampled to death by other morons, or walking the streets 20 feet in front of their women partners (assuming they are women as you can’t actually see them).

Religion as practiced by these subset of Muslims is a cancer. The idea that rewards in an afterlife awaits those who do service to an imaginary God is a very dangerous human meme, for Christians as well but not as insidious and dangerous as Islam. At least the lad Christians follow was a pacifist, this Mohammed character was a warmonger. If you learn your history, the area he conquered was the bedrock of civilization, Mesopotamia. Its where human civilization as we know it came from. His ideology fucked up the place, and there are sizable numbers in these countries that worship him and they long to spread this cancer worldwide. There is no place for it in a civilized country.


Fixed that there for you pal.

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Agree well said

It’s also nearly an anagram of Islam :confused: