Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread


What’s fascinating but tragic is the lads that started it were probably a bit like some lads on here, interested in exploring the frontiers of the mind, ancient psychonauts so to speak. There is considerable research that all religion stemmed from lads ingesting heroic quantities of whatever mind altering stuff they could get their hands on, mushrooms, peyote, this DMT stuff the Amazonians take is supposed to be amazing altogether. Basically they tripped out of their minds, met all kinds of sky faeries and elves, and then told others about it. Eventually it became mythology and people started believing it was real and started writing it down for other clowns to believe who came later. Maybe Timothy Leary was right and a bit of acid in the drinking water might be the solution to calm down these nutters.

At night after a few cans he puts on his cloak and becomes ISIS


can we have a minutes silence in memory of what happened at approximately this time last Friday night, it could have been any of us, our friends or our family



I have a couple of books on astrotheology - very interesting stuff. Most, if not all, religions (and especially Christianity, Islam and Judaism) carry the same basic ‘Jesus’ tale of the Son of God who died for humanity. Many were told around the world thousands of years before Christianity. In fact, there are at least fifteen major religions that have had the identical same teachings as Christianity.

It’s a fuckin’ conspiracy, man!


when ISIS hit Dublin it will be 20 times worse than the Dublin/Monaghan bombings, and 200 times worse than the widow scallans uvf attack

All religions are a con pal. Ancient civialisations worshipped the sun as God and Christians still do even though they don’t notice it.

how dare you, I am member of the Catholic Church, the most powerful organisation in the world, and I am very proud of it

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There it is! In the picture behind Jesus!

I think Jesus wasn’t a bad aul shkin. At least he was a pacifist.

I thought he’d have been better at City to tell the truth though.

Jesus was a good skin by all accounts, but 30 years of his life was forgotten or written out of history which is probably more true.

The Gnostic gospel stuff is fairly interesting, i.e the ones that weren’t chosen by the Catholic church.

Jesus was a cunt.

Eh Christianity started in the year 0 mate, there was nothing before that.


never knew him was he a murphy

Did it start when will religion fecking end

His €100 Paul Galvin cloak?

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The sun of god

The Sun has died but he will rise again.

wiki says that Jesus ‘feasted with sinners, fraternized with women, and allowed his followers to pluck grain on the Sabbath’.

Hard to argue with that. Man of the people. Alright sort.