Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

watching MOTD repeat now, unbelievable scenes as the French National anthem was sung across football grounds in the UK with respect and dignity in the memory of the victims of the Paris attacks, , it really is the greatest country in the world, why can’t you micks behave like that? every time there is a minutes silence before the start of a GAA game for someone that dies there is a load of roaring and shouting from roasters off their heads on cidre

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Cidre. Lovely subtle touch of French solidarity there.


C’est cidre :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Indeed,2 dozen farmers kept the British army busy for decades

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THIS IS what Russia were waiting for funny time wise god help the world now

Brussels is still shut down and under “high alert”. What’s the end game here? Presumably come Monday morning (tomorrow) with no attack having gone on they’ll have to ease off again and tell the people its business as usual?

I’ve been to Brussels three times and notwithstanding this shit I can’t warm to the place at all. I think that’s it now for me with Brussels as long as I have any say in the matter.


its a great spot for riding

Yeah were you down that big long street, the main red light district? Christ the street stretches for ages and ages.

you can be sure I was

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The Israel Project

4 hrs ¡


BREAKING: This is Hadar Buchris, an innocent 21 year old Israeli who was murdered today by a terrorists in Gush Etzion.
May her memory be a blessing.

Dara Murphy looking to send Irish men and women to war

We should boot the Greeks out of the EU.

They are providing safe passage into Europe for these Muslim terrorists.

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What’s the point of this Brussels lock down?
They can’t keep it shut down indefinitely and the terrorists are hardly going to stage an attack while the place is on high alert.

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It’s a bit silly alright.

@farmerinthecity, are you back?

Obviously there was some big attack imminent that they uncovered late on. I suppose the Paris thing was inspiration to these muppets and they wanted to strike again while the iron was hot. The Belgians have not come out and specifically said the reasons for this lock-down as far as i can see? Scary stuff.

Its an odd one. They’ve asked media to stop reporting on stuff. Last thing I saw was that shots were being fired somewhere near either a palace or some well know government building