Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

They said they had concrete information that a “paris style attack was imminent”.
But sure an attack like that isn’t time dependent. It doesn’t have to be done a particular date. They can just wait until next week. If they cant hold any public gatherings in the whole city then the terrorists are winning by that alone.

Yeah, they can’t close the city off forever. Unless they’re collating information and building a case on a group of these fuckers and felt they needed a few more days to get it all together.

Surely some kind of chemical or biological attack on a busy underground tube/metro station or train with thousands of people is not far off? It happens all the time on TV shows after all, hard to believe no-one has tried this or maybe they are constantly foiling such efforts.

confirmed, 2 of the suicide bombers killed last Friday came through Greece as “refugees”

Some dark skinned fucker tried to rob me in Brussels once, I hope he’s a victim in such an attack.

Can’t wait to hear those recklesd fucking green horns twist on this.

Yes mate. Thanks for asking.

Given that you are Italian, I don’t think there’s any point in discussing milltary matters with you.


Happened in Japan in 2000. Google sarin gas Japan metro giant cock.

I thought it was mainly because the last remaining suspect from Paris had made his way back to Brussels and may have a suicide belt.

6 baddies arrested in Brussels. Police operation finished. Press conference underway.

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Lovely. I called this earlier.

The lad from the Paris attack is not among the arrested.

They are strolling around the streets of the UK.

“In transmitting President Richard Nixon’s orders for a “massive” bombing of Cambodia in 1969, Henry Kissinger said, “Anything that flies on everything that moves”. As Barack Obama wages his seventh war against the Muslim world since he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and Francois Hollande promises a “merciless” attack on the rubble of Syria, the orchestrated hysteria and lies make one almost nostalgic for Kissinger’s murderous honesty…”


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Obama tells the world the best answer to ISIS is to declare we are not afraid.

In other news Brussels in total lockdown, with schools etc closed and people advised to stay indoors. #wearenotafraid


Britain is awash with ISIL.

Belgian intelligence being made shit of. The guy that escaped Paris has been knocking around for a week now and they can’t get him. To be fair to the French they missed the attack but they chased down the surviving suspects fairly easily.

I would have thought the Belgians would have had fairly decent intelligence with so many high profile European politicians in and out the whole time.


It’s not easy being a fugitive. Have you seen the TV show ‘Hunted’? With a very small team they were able to catch everyone as you’ve got to make a mistake somewhere. There’s CCTV everywhere, if you go to a bank link with your card you’re fucked, if you make a call/text off your phone or family/friends of yours get one from an unknown phone it’ll be tracked and they’ll get you.

Very impressive that this guy has evaded detection/capture one week later given the world hunt out for him, posters/fliers all over the place and TV of his mug. Plus they will be throwing everything at catching him. He must have been helped out but undoubtedly has done a good job keeping hidden regardless.

Credible sources on the ground such as Ming Flanagan and Alex Thomson say reports of Brussels being in complete lock down are exaggerated crap/baloney/hogwash.

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