Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

They can’t be trusted

[quote=“iron_mike, post:2954, topic:19924, full:true”]

Not since that euro qualifier play off anyway

Well it is Christmas. They need somewhere to run

they’ll be put out of NATO

Not a hope lad, too much geopolitical significance. What they do doesn’t matter once they are of use to the West strategically in the region.

We need to be on our guard against these Muslim terrorists

We will go where the evidence takes us

This was a dept of public health event

There were 75 / 80 people in the room.

12 of the 14 deceased were county employees

We are saddened at the loss of these victims.

God bless the great USA :clap::clap::clap:

The Muslim terrorists in the US

75 rounds the terrorists let off on victims

Left 3 pipe bombs at the scene

Fired 76 rounds at police

1600+rounds in suv

12 pipe bombs in their home

3000+ rounds of Ammunition

These Muslim terrorists are a horrific group of creatures

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Goering was right at the time and subsequent events proved him more correct. For the US the Korean War and Vietnam in particular exposed the govt as willing to throw their citizens into immoral and ultimately unwinnable wars. The result is there is a small minority now who would be willing to voluntarily go into combat for any cause. The same in Europe I would think. The problem of course is that in other regions and countries, like the ME, Russia and lots of Asia, no such resistance exists. We have long ago lost the high moral ground, too late to expect next generations to sacrifice themselves for bullshit ideology and the gains of the few.

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Ha, that’s priceless.

Like Orwell said, “the war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.”


And rumours of war too. Very important for the weapons industry.

all the countries in green have to go, they have to wiped out


Pakistan also supports ISIL/Daesh

call them Daesh from now on lads

I wouldn’t lose any sleep if Pakistan was obliterated overnight.

a disgusting country, Bradford is like a mini version of Islamabad

How did you ever live up there? Or were you just working there often? You used to be posting about eating curries in Bradford.

I was working up around there, I nearly topped myself over it


anyone ever been to Pakistan lads? I’ll say one thing, they do decent grub

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how is Indonesia full of the bastards? how did the camel jockeys get that far to spread their evil backward religon?