Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

U2 defeated terrorism in Paris tonight.

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The more airtime he gets, the more stupid he comes across.

His race is run, Carson will follow shortly. It was enjoyable while it lasted. Jeb!? is gone, so Rubio should have a clear run at it soon.
Not that any of it matters, as in one years time, we’ll probably still be in the same situation regarding ISIS etc.

Has to be Rubio now.

Jeb is pretty much gone, Rubio is favourite but Trump’s odds going in all of the time for the GOP nomination. Now at 9/4

Well, it will actually be Clinton.


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Since the 1950s the US economy has been run on a permanent war basis

Trump is a legend.
You can be sure he has far more support across the ordinary people of the US than the PC brigade would be have you believe. He is just vocalising what a huge number of Americans are thinking privately.

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It’s a pity Ireland was not lead by a man of that calibre

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West Clare is at least.

He’d sort out the travellers anyways, that’s for sure.


My bro got home yesterday tank god from london


http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/doubling-of-muslims-refused-entry-at-cork-airport-370275.html @ChocolateMice REFUSED

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It would appear the security staff at Cork are very insular and untrusting


Apparently this even extends to US Muslims abroad on holidays, he wouldn’t let them back in :joy:


The man is an absolute fruitcake. However given the current global crisis, he is going to be a lot closer than people think to pulling this off.


“We’re losing a lot of people because of the internet, and we have to do something,” said Trump. “We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what’s happening”.
We have to talk to them, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some way. Somebody will say ‘Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech’. These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.

@Rocko will you return our subs if Trump closes the internet?

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