Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Trumpā€™s ā€œI. donā€™t. careā€ is the new ā€œYes, we canā€

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Proposed French laws in the aftermath of the attacks are targeting the shutdown of Tor browser use and banning free wifi.

The attackers used text messages to communicate so they should be the first target youā€™d think.

I can see it now. Vlad and Donald BFFs

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Trump hasnā€™t a hope of getting in.

I really hope youre right and you probably are, but the longer these attacks go on, the more right wing extremists will come out in force

The real danger is how far to the right heā€™s going to pull everyone else to counter him

Why not?

Heā€™s only saying what white America is thinking.

His vote in Iowa has increased in polls taken since the comments.


Thatā€™s not what the polls say.

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Fools. He hasnā€™t a hope. obama changed the face of America by simply getting people to actually vote. Heā€™ll do terrible in middle and on democratic side.

Obama is seen as a dead duck by many middle americans.
Trump ( and I may stand corrected) is the first real candidate that due circumstances is starting to make real inroads to the extreme right in the states.
Vulger as it seems, those killings in California last week didnt do him any harm.

Iā€™m old enough to remember every one of this side of the Atlantic being gobsmacked that Reagan might get the Republican nomination. And then blithely assuming that the general electorate wouldnā€™t be nuts enough to elect him and would return Carter.

In many ways Americas self esteem is back to where it was in 1980 and in that circumstance there is every chance they will turn to a character like Trump.

If they feel that is is ā€œmorning in Americaā€ then yes.


He is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party. They must be laughing their holes off. A centrist Repubican would have walked this election. But Trump will have pulled the fuckers so far to the right come the convention that they wonā€™t be able to row back to the center in time. Hillary can start phoning it in at this point.


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Thereā€™s no comparison between Reagan and Trump.
Reagan was a governor of California, was statesman like, and while I abhorred his politics, and still do, he was no where near as peurile and extreme.
If you go back and watch some of the 1980 presidential debates on YouTube, youā€™ll see if was actually very moderate on a lot of issues, esp immigration.
Watch thisā€¦

That illustrates how far to the right US politics has gone on the last 35 years.


Even Bernie knows he hasnā€™t a hope in hell. His main reason to run is to a voice to the true lefty wing of the dem party and he has done a good job of energizing that wing, especially young people. Hilary recognizes this which is why she hasnā€™t gone on the attack against him as she knows she will need to coopt that vote at some point and doesnā€™t want to estranged that demographic, like what happened with Nader and Gore in 2000 which cost them the election.

Trump is saying what most right minded people are thinking


Well he has obviously done enough to wind up the republican party.
Just caught the end of a George Hook interview with some yank. It looks like the republicans are going to do everything in their power to keep him out.
Of course this will suit Hillary