Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

There’s an article in Guardian today about life under ISIS rule in Raqqa and Mosul.

This is an excerpt from the piece:

"Mobile phones are banned, people are not allowed to smoke cigarettes and those caught listening to music are punished. The militants punish people who use the internet and mobile phones, fearing that they may provide intelligence to their enemy.

About a month ago, a man was found with a mobile phone in his possession and punished with 45 lashes. As he was being whipped, he cried out, swearing at the Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and for that he was executed, according to locals in the city."

This is the picture that heads the article:

Obama is commonly known as the black devil by that demograhic now, he didn’t change anything, although I admire his restraint from entering other wars which would of happened if another Texan was in power.

I was informed recently that ISIS don’t actually exist at all by a few different Muslims who aren’t known to each other, the funny thing is they all seemed to be genuine. They were obviously talking pure shite, but from the news reports we get here, it’s all half truths and propaganda.

At times it’s hard to know who to believe.

To be fair to the Muslims, they did mug Ian O’Doherty off, mugged him off good and proper.



Ah lovely.

Had no idea he had a drinking problem before that show.

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Great stuff :smile:

That clip justifies Islam’s existence.

O’Doherty looks like Bernard Brogan if he went on a three year diet of nothing but Guinness, Big Macs and Toblerones.

Denial Anger…

Ian needs to heal. Learning to love himself will be the greatest love of all.

I misread that as the name of the former Liverpool central defender and Danish internationalist.


I’d say yer one with the laugh will explode altogether when Brendan Grace comes on.


Wrong thread there Fagan.

She’s terrorising everyone within a 10 seat radius of her, in fairness.

Cork people…insular?! Not at all :joy::joy:

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@KinvarasPassion can sympatise with this fella


Did they ever catch that Salah Abdeslam lad?

Ian o Doherty has ‘character’ and you don’t

Bomb Pakistan. They are funding ISIL

Jesus @tassotti
Is there anywhere you wouldnt bomb east of the Shannon?

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