Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread


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Its believed he’s hiding out in Morocco. A sighting was made of him in Spain after the attacks wearing a wig and glasses. So he must have worked his way down from Spain. Fair going to have still evaded capture weeks later given the high profile manhunt for him. Its like Bourne Identity stuff.

Morocco needs to bombed though as they seem to possibly be harboring him somewhere.

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Belgium needs to be bombed too.

Everybody knows “Walloons” stands for Wahhabist Loons.

Fuck it sure while theyre at it, they could bomb Thurles

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Did they not already?

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Roasters and
Entering from

Would you not rather they bombed somewhere like Thomond park ?
That way rugby may not dominate limerick city sport, the Gaa team might finally win something of significance then.

Sidney. Do us all a favour and rebrand sooner than later. We all know it’s coming. We all want you back as a funny guy and not a tryhard twat.


Yea Thomond is a real fucking fortress allright. Reckon theyd be better off bombing the Gaelic Grounds. Might get rid of some of the souptakers and then we might have a chance of winning something

Yes, bomb it and we will rebuild even bigger and better

are any posters here sending their kids to an ETNS where their kids are mixing with muslims and the likes?

i know the people who do generally like to make a lot of noise about it to show how they are great aethiests and non conformists ertc etc.


cat got your tongue Fran?

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im not looking to have a go at these people i just have a small query of them which may or may not turn into a nice little discussion, no need for @Fran to retreat back into his shell or be afraid

I hope to send my kids to an ETNS if they make the cut. The youngest one will definitely get in but the eldest is borderline based on the first come first served basis.

What is an ETNS school?

Educate Together

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Educate Together - Non denominational

Should I have kids I would favour an educate together but with the Catholic Church finally being benched at N.S schools I would not be opposed to sending them there.

What about home schooling?

No - they gotta learn to bully and be bullied… valuable life lessons are learned in the school yard.

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