Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I bet he managed to drop in a few “oooh matron” lines as well.


Any more births in our house would be virginal alright.


I have the hair and teeth for it.

You better not be one of those fuckers wheeling prams around the perimeter of the parade ring and elsewhere. Banned they should be. Actually under 18s should be banned from racetracks altogether. Head wreckers holding up everyone at the rails with their €1 ew bets only to be told the min bet is €5. If you want a family day out, fuck off to the zoo or a park.

Rant over. Hope all is well mate


Hang around or Know?..its time you stood up to your wife pal…you are the quintessential irish BOY who gets told what to do…you digust me Francis…

Unlike mbb who posts here up to 16 hours a day sometimes. And even if the kids are in tye room, he is certainly not giving them the correct attention. Fran only pops in here like most of the fathers, because THEY OBVIOUSLY HAVE BETTER THINGS TO BE DOING.

No doubt mbb will have the public persona when he brings the little kids down to training and will do all the public appearence stuff but leave the rest to the missus. But he can’t put down the phone for an hour most of the time. He disgusts me. Had a quick look at the front page the other day and noticed it. Of the top 20 topics mbb had last commented on 13 of them. WTF!!!


doesn’t bode well for your kids that you assume they will want to go training.

You’re an odd little man. When you upgrade from a dog, come back and talk to me. But until then, go off and feed your bitch fennell milk.

Have you thought about spending the time you obsess about mbb with your poor girlfriend who you dragged half way across the world with you?

Mate, I’m a seasoned race goer, I know where not to bring a buggy on a racecourse and where to avoid at busy times. I’m hurt that you would even consider this. All is well thanks.

If ever there were an example of living rent free in someones head, its me and kev. I shudder to think it, but I doubt I ever leave it. And I thought we were becoming mates again, but the recent clip I took at him over the Munster Rugby thing sent him into a spiral, via Jayo, and to this where he’s attacking my children on an internet forum. Its incredibly disappointing but I generally treat him with pity and amusement.

I realise this is not the way you were brought up mac but women do have a mind of their own. Nobody dragged anyone anywhere. It was she who intiated the irish move ultimately.
And i think they’d find it weird enough if i went into her work and sat beside while on my phone. I’m not the one on here all day every day robbing from my employer and ignoring family.


The sad reflection on the forum and society is that this seems acceptable.

And if course the usual change of “he’s attacking mbbs kids”. I’m not, i’m attacking mbb and what he represents.

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Is this an e-mental breakdown?

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mbb made up the children scenario to try and fit in

youve been had

id agree with all your points though if the situation was a real one


Its a fair cop. My name isn’t even MBB.

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It seemed that way at the start and i would say its possible.
Same reason nimby started reading up on gah.

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[quote=“caoimhaoin, post:3160, topic:19924, full:true”]
Unlike mbb who posts here up to 16 hours a day sometimes. And even if the kids are in tye room, he is certainly not giving them the correct attention. [/quote]

more evidence for you kev…

A provincial newspaper found itself at the centre of attention at the Laois GAA convention.

The Leinster Express has been tweeting updates from the annual GAA convention for the past four years with some of their tweets in the tongue in cheek category.

However, when it became apparent that the tweets were being uploaded to the Leinster Express’ twitter account at last week’s convention, Laois chairman Gerry Kavanagh was notified about this and decided to address the situation.

“We have someone here tweeting on the Leinster Express hashtag,” said Kavanagh. Could I ask them to stop. I’m saddened over this, it happened last year as well.

“Could I ask that person to desist from taking the pss. I won’t say anymore on this*

he’s a wrong 'un alright…

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