Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

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The pensions authority has renamed its Interactive Scheme Information System (ISIS) to Pensions Data Register

I call it daesh myself.

Great video



A chilling feature on RTE news this morning about the radicalisation of muslims in Ireland and how many are determined to murder the bad people (Christians) in Christian countries.

The Irish authorities are aware of the situation but it’s too late for them to intervene at this stage, according to this mornings report.

Muslim terrorists with EU passports are in high demand with ISIS.

There is 1 location in particular that is bringing in radicals from Saudi and England to preach their radical doctrine to muslims in Ireland, the location was not disclosed by RTE.

This ali saleem guy was on saying his usual “nothing to see here” and “muslims in Ireland are grand”

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ireland is green as fuck. we are a bunch of fucking docile idiots for the most parts.

the guards are monitoring these muslim cunts who have based themselves here.
they are here and they are being harboured by the crowd in Clonskeagh. Clonskeagh for years has been widely recognised to be under the thumb of an Egyption cleric based in Qatar who wants sharia law recognised in Europe. thats a fact
the mosque off st circular is a pakistani and afghan jihadi hang out. thats a fact

fuck knows what we have let in the last few years.

of course these lads can do as they wish because ireland is the ultimate soft touch.

Clonskeagh mosque should be raided and ransacked and turned upside down if we are serious about this but of course we allow them hide behind religion. madness.


Bomb the fucking thing


I know someone who works in banking and they tell me that at least once every week they have people in attempting to open accounts that will used to transfer money back to terrorists in the middle east. There are far more jihadi sympathisers here than people think.

At least 52 going by your anecdotal story


Large areas of Dublin are riddled with them and they are untouchable because of the do gooders.

Multiple people per week, not just the 1 is what the man TS is saying.

The report this morning mentioned that sharia law is now being practiced in parts of Ireland


That’s outrageous but no doubt the do gooders like @Big_Mick will make a little quip about it

How do you get to sharia law?


I see the Qataris have commissioned a film about Doha’s failed bid for the 2024 Olympics called “Sharias of Fire”.

The cunts are only laughing at us

Rag heads

What areas would they be?