Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

south circular road area for one, north of leonards corner all the way along clanbrassil street. there is a mosqu in the Blackpitts that has caused this. the place is infested fisty.


I’d be up for sending Nally in and a few other good samaritans to sort out these simple minded rodents.

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And definitely a couple on here.

Where did you go to school Mouse?[quote=“ChocolateMice, post:3074, topic:19924, full:true”]
No - they gotta learn to bully and be bullied… valuable life lessons are learned in the school yard.

Sure the Blue shirts are reading off Sutherland’s hymn sheet, that Mayo simpleton Kenny in particular critiscing the Brits over welfare payments for non nationals. If someone wants to arrive in your country make them contribute not fucking leech off the system.

He doesn’t have a brain cell in his head, that or his a sick cunt, think it’s the first option though in fairness.

Words can’t describe this animal, he should get the death penalty.

Pure terrorist scumbag.


lads like that glasagusban fella want to give the likes of him a house


When his solicitor plays the Sharia law card and the misfortune enjoyed herself etc etc, that can’t be allowed to carry on.

We have enough of our own sick cunts to be dealing with, without predators like that coming over here and making things worse.

Bosnia and Albania are full of them aswell, bomb the fuckers into the ground

Bosnia not as a country but as a geographical area was all christian until the Turks made shit of them.

They should nt be in our country.
They can’t fit in here.
Their own culture and ‘funny little ways’ have made utter fucking shit of their own countries. Who in right mind could think bringing them their culture and their funny little ways to Ireland would not end in disaster.
These people are volatile. They can’t live in peace. They can’t accept our ways and they can’t respect our culture. They despise women.

Fuck it lets take thousands of them it will look bad if we don’t. You couldn’t make it up.


Albania 98% towel head, I never knew that until I met a few of them recently, though to be fair, hardly of them practice, in fact they would be catholic sympathisers

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It’s a fucking outrage pal, and what’s worse even on an anonymous forum there’ll be lads saying you’re rascist, scaremongering etc.

Everyone knows good and bad exist, but Western and Islamic cultures don’t mix. It’s pure divide and conquer shit.

Next they’ll let Turkey into the EU, the worst shower of bastards you’ll ever see to a man. Imagine 8/9/10% of Ireland Turks, could v well happen if they do deal with bureaucrats as a supposed solution to the refugee Western made crisis.


Turks are one of the worst cunts you’ll met

100% and throughout history, I never understood how anyone sane would go there on sun holiday.

Never truer words said, mate. :clap:

It’s high time for you and all the other neanderthal, smelly, inbred roasters to stop ruining our culture, get the fuck out of our fair city and fuck off back to whatever backward boghole you came from.

rotten fuckers, awful heroin dealers and now they fund ISIL aswell, through history they have been snakes, going back to the crusades

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Even before the crusades, always snaky cunts.

Putin won’t forget their stab in the back.

Western and Islamic cultures have mixed almost as long as they have existed. There are nearly 3 million muslims in Britain working across all of the professions and every sector of society. How do you explain that within a framework where, according to you, such a thing is impossible? There’s no need to get emotional about it. No one’s attacking you. But there are facts such as these that clearly contradict what you’re saying. How do you explain them?