Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

heā€™ll get them, it might take a while, a year or two, or ten, but heā€™ll get them, did you know 95% of Turkey is in Asia? and they want to let them into the EU, you could not make it up

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Have you been to North London pal, have you spoken to the locals thereā€¦ie the few that are left?

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Hopefully they wonā€™t, if they do let Turkey inā€¦the results will be catastrophic imo.

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The blacks, the Jews, the Irish or the Corbyn voters?

Would you like a mass migration of Turks into Ireland maybe 400-500 thousand?

Whatā€™s your logic a better association football team in 2035?

Would you like a tinfoil hat?


You donā€™t think that is a possibility no?

There is a deal being done with Turkey to block their borders to stem the migrants, theyā€™re getting 3 billion euros or somethingā€¦itā€™s going to happen down the line. They are proud Nato members after all.

Iā€™d love to see you go onto politics. Youā€™d be great in the Dail. Did it ever cross your mind to put yourself forward?

And supporters of isis. The iorny of it all. It stinks, like those fucking turks

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Itā€™s a possibility that the world will end within the next week.

Unlikely, but a possibility.

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Britain is a ticking time bomb. A disaster zone. What an example you have picked.
Iv never heard a British man say all these Pakis and so on integrate into British culture or contribute to it.
the man in the street is saying it but You wonā€™t hear that in the media because you canā€™t say it and funnily enough that is where Ireland is heading.
We are at the very beginning of that road that does not turn back and everyone knows we should stop but nobody has the balls to do so as you will be bullied by the green horn do gooders.


The iorny (sic) of a bogtrotting simpleton accusing somebody else of stinking.

I bet anything youā€™ll stink of turkey this day week.

You call yourself an Irishman yet you write in a foreign language (something similar to English, although not quite actual English).

You sold out your culture, you green horn, do gooder shit.

Thatā€™s not what @Tassotti has been saying, greatest country in the world according to our man in south London.

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They are a horrible sneaky race. They are involved in and practise terrism and involvved in proxy wars with quite a few other nations. I was there once and by fuck will not go back. Enjoy your turkey too next week pal

Bound to fit in well in rural Ireland, so.

Article 8

  1. The Irish language as the national language is the first official language.

  2. The English language is recognised as a second official language.

donā€™t ever try that one again, donā€™t ever try to mix my words up, especially against my internet friends to try and turn them against me, the likes of me and HBV, smark KP have a bond that will never be broken


Far better then this bunch of lads

[quote=ā€œSidney, post:3230, topic:19924, full:trueā€]

Bound to fit in well in rural Ireland, so.

Do you guys never look at the entire history of hysterical anti-immigrant bigotry throughout the entirety of human history and think maybe thatā€™s what youā€™re doing?

Like in the 19th Century America when the Irish were regarded as a barbaric people incapable of living in a civilised Anglo-Saxon society? When people demanded that convents were searched for weapons because as everyone knew, convents were breeding grounds for papist-terrorists and anarchists and bombs were frequently made there.

Or in the first half of the 20th century, where it was widely believed that Jews were to blame for the great depression. Or when most of the Western World, Ireland included, turned away boatloads of Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis because they wanted no more Jews in their country? Or for example when polls taken in the US after the war had over 30% of respondents saying the Jews deserved much of the blame for their own persecution.

All stuff that looks terribly shameful and frankly a little ridiculous now, but to be honest is no more hysterical than the rampant Islamaphobia that we see today.