Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The English language is a cultural import.

It’s a bit rich for others to talk about the destruction of a native culture while writing in a foreign language whose widespread adoption destroyed the use of the native tongue.

I’ll take seriously any posters who complain about immigrants, as long as they write in the Irish language.

Padraig Nally has obviously been on holiday recently? He looks well with that tan.

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Referencing events over the last 200 years and using that as a point re hysterical anti-immigrant bigotry throughout the entirety of human history is misguided in the extreme pal.

:grin: :rollseyes:

Its hard to take your protestations seriously when all your posts on this board are in English and not as gaeilge.

Anyway bunreacht trumps you. Don’t like it then get onto the referendum commission and ask for a referendum to amend the offending article, you may want to make your submission in Irish if you don’t want to be thought a crank


Fixed that for you.

So Britain is a disaster zone then?

Do you genuinely believe that mass immigration into a small country like ourselves, particularly from people who have nothing culturally in common with us, is a good thing?

But I’m not hysterically going on about the threat immigrants or other cultures pose.

socraithe gur le haghaidh tĂș

its the greatest country in the world, it has changed my life in ways i never thought possible. I got dental treatment that would have cost 10k in Ireland here, for half nothing, unreal unbelievable

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Who knows, but the chances of mass immigration happening in Ireland only exist in the minds of paranoid simpletons, many of whom have serious self-esteem and educational issues.

What I can say is that the immigration that has happened in Ireland over the last 20-30 years here has, overall, undoubtedly been a positive thing.

I can’t speak for yourself as I don’t know your views on the matter, but your fellow anti-immigrant poster @HBV would have plenty in common with many Muslim immigrants, such as hatred for gay people, for instance - indeed they’d be far more culturally similar to him than they would be to atheist, PC, pinko, lefty liberal do gooders such as myself.

Polish and Lithuanian immigrants seem to like their drink-driving, which should mean they fit in just fine in rural Ireland.

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You’re a ponce.

I didn’t understand that as my Irish is poor to middling due to me being a cultural sell-out, but at least I’m not a hypocritical cultural sell-out.

I agree with you re the migration of eastern european people over the last 10-15 years has been a spectacular success, but you’re avoiding the cultural norm aspect of it.

Look everyone’s entitled to their opinion, there is good and bad everywhere but I strongly believe that we do not want to see a similar migration of people from the Turkey and or the middle east.

Islam hates our way of life but particularly women across the board, and the further they are away from our shores the better imo.

There are around 50,000 Muslims in Ireland and the vast, vast majority of them fit in just fine.

I think their beliefs are a load of nonsense, like I do any other religion, but as long as they’re not breaking our laws, let them at it. Muslim immigration has coincided with a consistent decline in crime figures. In fact, the so called era of mass immigration has coincided with a consistent decline in crime pretty much everywhere in the “first world”.

Muslim immigration has coincided with a consistent decline in crime figures. In fact, the so called era of mass immigration has coincided with a consistent decline in crime pretty much everywhere in the “first world”.

Crazy logic there Sid in fairness, don’t know how you can reconcile that?

Murders etc have dropped due to in fairness good policing and pure treachery out of those involved leading to their own demise, how you can link that to muslim immigration is beyond me.

If you want to talk about lower level crime such as robberies, they’ve gone up 6% nationally.

Sounds a bit gay. Luckily you’ll have PC pinko liberals like me to speak up for you when the Muslims try to ban your activities.

I’m not linking it to Muslim immigration. But if so called “mass immigration” by Muslims presented even a fraction of the threat that some people would lead us believe it does, surely crime in general across the western world would be going up, not down?

Even if year on year statistics on certain crimes, such as robbery, do show an occasional rise, which is only to be expected as long term trends don’t go in perfect straight lines, you can hardly blame the Muslims for that, can you?

Are there marauding gangs of Muslims out there who have made robbery in Ireland increase by 6%? I suspect there aren’t.

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The main issues if it comes to pass will be social pal, and not crime related for at least another generation after that. Talk to me when there are 400-500 thousand 2nd generation Muslims here.

I agree with you it might not happen, but there is every chance it may from talk out of the EU.

My main issue is the difference in cultural values, a lot of these people whether you want to believe it or not don’t want to live in a Western society and deeply worship a religion that refers to you and me as infidels who should be converted or killed.