Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Why are some people so passionate about letting thousands of people in our country who have no intention of integrating into the community?

What us the rational thinking behind it?


Most of this forum doesn’t integrate into the community, pal.

Kick 'em out.

Any chance we can debate this at an adult level?

there is none

dont mind that lad, a poor mans brimmer bradley


Sure @HBV has completely different cultural values to me and doesn’t want to live in the same society as me.

I refer you back to the statistic I quoted on another thread. 13,000 people in the US have died/will have died due to gun violence in 2015. As of today, with 13 days of the year left, 14 have died due to Islamist violence.

It really is a parallel world we’ve entered where the latter is seen as the “threat to civilisation” and the former isn’t.


Given that you’re a child, sadly not.

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Sid, you’re not answering my question at all, I’ll put it this way as an example, say you have a daughter bad enough she might meet some Irish bollix (god forbid from Cork :grin:)

We take pride in our national identity whereas most of these lads only identify with a lad who married an 11 year old according to the Koran.

@The_Most_Infamous. Bright spark, if one of your family urgently needed surgery and your surgeon was a brilliant Muslim with 15 years impeccable experience. Would you put a request in for another surgeon on more pleasant ethnicity?

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I’m confident that, as humans, the vast majority of Muslims have the basic cognitive ability to be able to identify with things other than that.

And even if some of them don’t, as long as they’re not harming anybody or breaking our laws, I see no problem.

Get back to selling weed there Harry :rollseyes:

What has that got to do with the points I’ve raised about mass migration of 400-500 thousand muslims.

My father was very well taken care of by the very pleasant Dr. Osama in hospital in Galway just last week.

Dr. Osama is a definite alright sort, and even seemed quite comfortable with the Roman Catholic imagery which was placed throughout the corridors of the hospital and gave me a feeling of mild unease.

We have openly welcomed Muslim immigration into our Health system for years & too good effect. I didn’t hear screaming Mary’s waffling on about Sharia law you simpleton.

What has happened in France is a direct response to Hebdo continually ridiculing their religion. Sparked a frenzy on impressionable young men.

Have we those problems?

We can’t take 5k refugees regardless you ape.

Talking about a few muslim doctors in our hospitals is pure nonsense, nothing to do with the topic whatsoever.

If you bothered reading the last few posts you’d know what I was talking about and that was the EU letting Turkey in and then very quickly you could foreseeably have 4-500 thousand muslims in the country.

Granted it won’t happen overnight but the spin coming from Brussels at the moment is worrying, and there isn’t enough weed to smoke to stick your head under if it were to occur.



Stick to the cars mate and the FG love in.

Ranting on like a mental simpleton. :rollseyes:

How much for a bag of weed pal?

Would you sort me out, I’m going mental.

Yeah maybe from your bedsit reading the paper but have you been on the ground in limerick for example lately where I can assure you these fucks are not integrating seemlessly and there is much concern about.

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Sidney fighting the good fight here, but being avalanched by a sea of bigoted intolerant simpletons. Proof positive, as if any further evidence was necessary, that nobody does bigotry quite like the Irish (well maybe the English which is undoubtedly who they picked it up from).

Muslims are not a problem lads, they have the same range of ignorant jackasses to intellectuals as any group of people. Fundamentalist Islam though is a problem, something Sidney denies due to his pinky leftism. Its a poisonous violent misogynistic insane ideology that moderate Muslims need to reject and stop pretending its the religion of peace and altruism. European governments, most of which are dominated by pinkies like Sidney, need to grow a pair of balls and stop pandering (looking for votes) to this insane ideology. Obama has set the standard here with his refusal to even utter the word Islamic when talking about Islamic terrorists. He is also the only one referring to ISIL, which gives them more prestige by suggesting their influence is significant outside Iraq and Syria.

The religion is the problem, not the great majority of people who embrace it. The extremists can claim the high moral ground because the instructions given by the imaginary sky fairy are very clear, and no amount of dancing around the problem by moderate Muslims or soft bellied liberals changes that. Modify the free speech / hate speech laws to criminalize all expressions of violent intolerance towards others, based on ideas that humans came up with that have zero evidence to support them. We can’t expect reformist Muslims to do this themselves, as they are in such a small minority, we need to assist them.