Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Can you throw up a list of these European governments that are dominated by pinkies for me please?

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As far as I am concerned Muslims are one step above a traveller

This thread is more depressing the the dead horses thread

Except I havenā€™t, of course, in fact I stated that directly when debating with you the other day.

Intolerant fundamentalism of any sort is usually a problem, which I thought would have been obvious.

Iā€™d class the opinions of several posters on this thread to be more of a long-term threat to liberal Western values than fundamentalist Islamism is, however. They have far more in common with the values of those they hate than with the values they claim to want to uphold. Two sides of the same coin, really.

Shouldnā€™t you also be complaining about the non-integration of westerners who live in the Gulf states?

It would seem to me that those who complain about non-integration of Muslims here donā€™t appear to be too keen to mix with them, in fact it would appear you want nothing to do with them, and are thus a large part of any problem.

Transpires that a French chap I know, was in the Bataclan. Escaped into a room pushed a sofa up against the door and awaited his fate until the police raid.

I was talking to a man last night who has two young offspring teaching in London.
One has a class of mostly Muslims age 10 or so. Nightmare dealing with the I bred little fucks. . Anecdotal evidenceā€¦
Constant reference and jibes to westerners and their lack of respect for Muslim religion. Poor girl is intimidated beyond reason.
Why do Irish people want this to happen in Ireland?
Irish donā€™t do integration, even if we wanted to. Muslims donā€™t want integration. Itā€™s a clear recipe for catastrophe. I donā€™t understand those who feel so passionate about letting these people into run amok.

What are you saying, pal? We should stop people coming to Ireland based solely on religious grounds?

If they cannot integrate we donā€™t want them. If they cannot fall in and live within the culture that exists in this country them please fuck off.
If they dream of imposing their sordid ways on us then out out out.
If they want to murder us all then no to that too.


Whatā€™s the culture within this country?

Fuck off you clown

A heady Celt-British-Viking-Norman mix.

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And Basque-Palatine-Hugeonot etc

Soon to be Polish-Nigerian-Baltic

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In fairness harry, thatā€™s a bit of a strawman. Working in Rochdale shows, if nothing else, that for better or worse, a sea change in culture will ensue if Muslim immigration gains critical mass.

Well beyond time that we kick these Germans out of Europe.


Dublin mosques teeming with Isis supporters

Sourceā€¦, Baz Ashzany, Irelandā€™s favourite and most respected Muslim.

There are 50,000 Muslims in Ireland.
A rally in protest at Isis in the Tunisian beach massacre aftermath attracted 50 (fifty) (five O) mulims under the spire.
The man (Imman) who organised the rally says he got savage grief from ā€˜normalā€™ Muslims and one of his lads handing fliers got the shit kicked of him in a dublin mosque for promoting the rally.

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Theyā€™re rotten bastards the whole lot of them.

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Baz is a horrible cunt