Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Heā€™s certainly turned in a middle aged fat fuck fierce quick. I took a look at myself in the mirror on the way to bed after watching it and smiled.


Critical mass is 10-15%. UK is at 5% at the moment. France is higher.

Maybe more. Two problems are the tendency, (we did/do the same), to ghettoise; and more pertinently, in a democracy, a relatively small block vote can hold disproportionate power.

how are you bud

Gerry Adams is what terrorist is about 1916 my ar

Did you see the show kid?
I was drawn in when he was meeting that Muslim bossman I mentioned above who operates out of a warehouse in Blanch.
The Muslims really let him down staying away from the rally. Then out of the feeling of being spurned id say by his Islamic comrades proceeded to announce on irish tv that just as you and I suspected that Irish mosques are riddled with Isis supporters. This is as good as from the horses mouth as you will get. @Sidney @Watch_The_Break @Fagan_ODowd cat got your tongues you do gooder sherbet eating cunts?
Unsurprisingly the show then cut instantly to Baz tracking down anti Islam group and low and behold found some cork weirdo who absolutely hates these counts with a passion. He had his face blurred out for safely reasons as in fairness no man wants to be burnt alive in a cage.

The Isis riddled Irish mosques were never mentioned again. Basically Muslims are salt of the earth etc etc.


whats your plan

We have no army


etg etg

What the fuck is your problem with sherbets?


Daycent Muslim skins > Extremist Muslim cunts

Reverse the roles and @The_Most_Infamous @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi and @HBV would have touted in the first minute

Thatā€™s all you have? You only want people to enter Ireland who subscribe to our culture but yet you canā€™t even outline what our culture isā€¦ Well done, gold medal to you.


Plan for what?

For the refugees we rake

Why do you want me to outline irish culture for you?
Itā€™s a very strange request from a bloke born reared and living in Ireland.

Iā€™d be interested in hearing what you define as cultureā€¦thatā€™s all. You said people should not enter Ireland unless they want to subscribe to our cultureā€¦thereā€™s Irish people who live next door to each other who donā€™t even share the same culture so Iā€™d just be interested to hear what you would outline as to what any future immigrant would need to subscribe to is all.

I dated a Muslim lady for a number of years. In all the time dating, I never heard her fart.


Post reported.
Racist cunt.


Itā€™s not about subscribing to our culture thatā€™s your disgusting and sneaky twist on my words. As I thought all along and now confirmed you are a cunt.
Itā€™s about them accepting we have a culture, thatā€™s how we live, and if itā€™s not for you fuck off and find somewhere more suitable to your weird needs or maybe stay where you are.