Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Are you a fan of David Trimble (the real one, not the chap who posts here as @Tassotti)?

My Muslim lady had perfect brown nipples. Very welcome after years of pink ones.

I am improving by the day. The finest now. Off to crossfit in an hour to try and sweat out the sins of the week.

SC Michael Lynn😱

Not to be confused with solicitor Michael Lynn. The barrister Michael Lynn is an alright sort.

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@Sidney @Watch_The_Break who else?
What’s the solution here lads? Ye are suddenly gone quite.
Do we keep Abu here, give him a council house and tell him chose 10 of his mates from home to invite over and get them all started here? Surely you lads are outraged at the states treatment of Abu here. Are ye appalled lads?

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the 50,000 here already should be deported

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I think you forgot to type a word at the end of that sentence there, pal.

Quite what?

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Quite quiet.

Let @HBV answer for himself.

Have you noticed the difference since you got home pal?

the only thing I have noticed is how incredibly attractive women find me, they are hanging off me everywhere I go, coming up and introducing themselves to me, unreal, shows what dressing proper and a nice haircut can do


Can you imagine what they’re used to though? The usual roasters who no doubt go over to them, with the shirt their mammy just bought them that week, hit them a jostle, spilling their guinness over the poor girls and grunt some obscenity then at them.

You must appear like an Adonis in comparison. God willing you could maybe take one or two of them back with you, save them from the inevitable that awaits.

its unreal, I never had this before, its actually unreal what you can do if you look after yourself any bit

I was at a session the other night and two woman had a fight for me at 6 in the morning


I assume you showed the wisdom of Solomon and took them both home?

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I shifted the two of them during the course of the evening, but went home with another one



You left out the unbelievable bit.