Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I believe.

They can smell the success off you.

Iā€™ll tell you what @Sidney , answer my original queries regarding how a do gooder idealistic weirdo like you would deal with the terrorists who are on a recruitment drive in Ireland, how you feel about this state wanting to kick terrorist scum out of Ireland, and do you have any solutions of your own that the state might not have dreamed up yet, and then Iā€™ll get round to settling the typo query for you.
fair enough?


I was speaking to someone who knows someone who had dinner with someone else over Christmas who teaches in a 700-pupil primary school in west Dublin. Over one third of the pupils are Muslim and the 4th class boys scribble pro-ISIS slogans all over their copy books.


We need to find out who has been radicalising 4th class pronto, this needs to be stopped.

Sure Iā€™ve no doubt, Bandage, you scribbled a lot of pro IRA slogans in your copybook when your were that age, you probably didnā€™t know what they meant, but it was the cool thing to do.

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You take that back.

Bandage was never cool.


Ah lovely.

I suspect the same still applies.

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Youā€™re a nasty piece of work, mate.


i) You didnā€™t make a query to me. You attempted to, but kind of trailed off before anybody could ascertain what that query was, because youā€™re an inarticulate shit.
ii) Any query youā€™d like to make of me on the subject of ISIS or general Islamic fundamentalism will be answered by what I so eloquently and articulately wrote on this thread last week, which Iā€™m fucked if Iā€™m writing out again for you. Iā€™m sure you have an ā€œupā€ button on whatever phone/laptop/primitive computing device youā€™re using. Use it.

You are having trouble with this one. Understandable. You love the old anecdotes and you love to jump all over them and sneer. No anecdote here though. Just a real situation, funnily enough a real situation you have been guffawing every time any credible poster on here warned was happening.

  1. What do you yourself think this state should do with the terrorist they are attempting to deport?

  2. How do you think he got here?

  3. Do you think he may have been living with and mixing with other Muslims here ie. in your opinion has the greater Muslim community been aware of him and his reason for being here.?

  4. Is it madness to suggest he is not alone in being an Islamic terrorist and in recruiting jihadist murdetey?

If I have made any spell errors note them at the bottom of your replies.

Itā€™s clearly you who is having the trouble with this one.

Iā€™d actually have thought youā€™d be a fan of this chap, given that heā€™s trying to get Muslims to leave Ireland.

You do want Muslims to leave Ireland, donā€™t you?

In terms of spelling mistakes, you made one towards the end of your post, but it was a bit too obviously a mistake so Iā€™ll give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you left it in deliberaltrekly. A bit like I did just there.

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Unless thereā€™s a lame gag to be had you canā€™t give a straight answer.
I didnā€™t expect one tho so no great disappointment.
Itā€™s a serious issue. You donā€™t deal with fact when it comes to serious issues so when heresay and anecdotes become solid facts you end up having snookered yourself.
This is a serious issue @Sidney , Iā€™m sure you have seen this now and feel like a bit of a gobshite. Leave it to the big boys and those with a bit of worldly experience.


my god thatā€™s a stunning post[quote=ā€œHBV, post:3337, topic:19924, full:trueā€]
Iā€™ll tell you what @Sidney , answer my original queries regarding how a do gooder idealistic weirdo like you would deal with the terrorists who are on a recruitment drive in Ireland, how you feel about this state wanting to kick terrorist scum out of Ireland, and do you have any solutions of your own that the state might not have dreamed up yet, and then Iā€™ll get round to settling the typo query for you.
fair enough?

Hbv is terrorising the fantasist @disney here. Hilarious.

But heā€™s encouraging Muslims to leave Ireland.

Isnā€™t that what you want? Facts and all that, eh?

Why canā€™t you give a straight answer?

PS: Have you taken my friendly advice and read what I wrote last week? As I 've previously stated, Iā€™m fucked if Iā€™m writing it out again for a simpleton like you.

Superb selectivity. Heā€™s encouraging lads to fight for Isis. Did you miss the part where they rampaged in France their a while ago. 7/8 lads all France-based. Facts and all that. So maybe leaving the country isnā€™t all he wants them to doā€¦

A bit like Liam Gallagher, you said ā€œmaybeā€.

Then you talk about ā€œfactsā€.

Way to publicly demonstrate your total misunderstanding of elementary English language words, pal.