Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

This is extremely childish I know @Sidney but here you go. I believe I spoke about facts first.

after that; next; afterwards.
“she won the first and then the second game”
synonyms: next, after that, afterwards, subsequently, later
“she won the first and then the second game”

There’s no need to state that a post of yours will be childish.

It’s a given at this stage.

Good good @sidney. Now that you’ve had your little titter, could you get back to answering my original post.

Ireland is a basket case. A comfortable home for terrorists to do their business.

You’ve never done anything but guffaw at the notion that Muslim terrorists would be mixing with 'Irish Muslims :smile: '.
And now you are saying you did a lengthy post about the very issue last week? Wow.
Bump it there I’d genuinely love to read it.

I’ll take that you mean this post.

You don’t state any facts in the post.

“He’s encouraging lads to fight for Isis.” - This is not a fact. It is alleged. The only fact we currently know is that the man disputes it.

If it was proven to be a fact then it would be a fact. Not currently a fact.

“Did you miss the part where they rampaged in France their a while ago. 7/8 lads all France-based.”

Not all France-based. Not a fact.

Again I’ll refer you to where you said “maybe”. Not a fact.

There are no facts in your post.

You’ve never done anything but guffaw at the notion that paedophilia is a crime.

There’s a statement that has as much validity and truth as your statement.

I don’t quote any posts to back up my initial statement in this post. Same as you don’t quote any sources, ie., because you can’t, because you’re talking nonsense.

If you wish to continue to debate with the intelligence and insight of a 10 year old child, that’s fine, but it’s not going to get you anywhere in advancing your point, and I’ll merely continue to make fun of you.

Lads they’re here amongst us. They’re on our doorsteps. They’re in our schools. I know first hand that this fundamentalist islamism exists even in fair Limerick. It is ingrained into their offspring at an early age and they have no interest in mixing with infedils like you and me or our sons and nieces. They hate us and our way of life and do not respect us.

There should be a root and branch done and anyone from any of those 7-8 bastard problem countries rounded up and fucked out of here before they or their kids blow up some school, the Gaelic grounds, the opera house in Limerick when we eventually get one. Hard decisions have to be made here for the safety of our countrymen. Why are we gambling on this issue? Fuck them all out and don’t let them in again.


Have you lost it?

Does @sidney want to become a Muslim?

You should stop your nonsense WUM.

You’re confusing the so called “flood of Muslims” with actual flooding. Are the sandbags keeping you safe?

We could say you’ve lost the head, but you might be offended by that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

A very common response from somebody of such limited intelligence as you.

You’re the one that’s getting all offended, pal.

Can you please give us a detailed, practical plan as to how this would be done, lest your ramblings be dismissed as those of a blathering idiot?

You clearly fancy yourself as a real life leader on this issue, so go on, do please elaborate on your plan.

Why do you refuse to lay out your plans?

This is highly unusual and suspicious behaviour, as it is normal for humans to pass flatus through the rectum. Did you ever notice a characteristic feculent smell in her presence? Granted, she could have been a SBD farter, but even with a low concentration the intestinal gas odour would have been apparent to a person with a normal level of odour sensitivity.

In any event, you did the right thing in flagging this on the Terrorist Attack thread.

What plans would these be, now?

They wont attack here. We’re an absolute geographical utopia for entering the UK and mainland Europe without raising suspicion. Id say theres more cells here than anywhere