Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

To contain these rowdy towel heads.

Iā€™m happy to let the law deal with any rowdy towel heads, pal.

I donā€™t have any plans myself, but then again I donā€™t have to as I donā€™t work for the Gardai or within law enforcement.

What if the towel heads come knocking on your door, pal?

Sounds like heā€™s been recruited already.
Keep a close watch on the pmā€™s Har.

Iā€™ll tell them that thereā€™s a bell and they didnā€™t have to knock.

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Why do we need a plan? Whatā€™s wrong with the law we already have in Ireland? Iā€™m very alarmed now.

We know that he is being refused residency for this reason. His current case is a plea not to be deported on the basis of what will happen to him if he gets deported. Not sure if you know much about the process of deportation in ireland sid but itā€™s pretty fucking difficult to deport people from here. Especially if they had a form of residency previously. The gardai must really want this fella out.

So what youā€™re saying is, the system works.

The law is taking its course. As Iā€™ve already stated it should.

Others on this thread clearly want to do away with the rule of law.

Yet another thing they have in common with those they claim to despise.

Which system would that be? Justice? Deportation?

It all appears to be in order doesnā€™t it? A guy was recruiting for terrorists, deportation proceedings started, the system is working, right?

Is he still breathing Irish air though?

Fair play to you @sidney. Itā€™s all black and white for you *. Itā€™s amazing the clarity six cans of Dutch gold gives a fella.

*oh yes.

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What are you on about?

Why hasnā€™t he been deported?

What are you asking me for? Try a newspaper?

You said the system was in full swing. Not me.

It is. The matter is before the courts as I understand. There doesnā€™t appear to be a problem.

He avoided a court hearing, pal. He should be turfed out immediately.

Not our system lad.

Itā€™s the lefty European court of Human rights. They want us to be a terror haven like Belgium