Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

This piece is fantastic :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

“Earlier, the man’s lawyers argued that he cannot be deported even if he is a threat to Ireland’s national security.”

Is that what the rules say?

So says @Sidney

A few lads @glasagusban @Sidney etc are so entrenched sticking up for Muslims that they cannot see the wood from the trees anymore. They look very foolish with this Isis Muslim scum situation.
Instead of @sidney simply saying i was wrong and yes Ireland kick this terrorist scum out pronto he is digging deeper simply to avoid admitting being wrong and hitting back with spelling errors and paedophile gags.
How can you debate with that?

Drop down to his level?

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So what’s the issue? You’re very worked up over nothing. A guy is suspected of terrorist activity. Deportation proceedings are underway. So, the system works.

I’d be more worried about the IRA recruiting impressionable young men like @Bandage than Muslim terrorists in Ireland.

Unless the laws have changed recently this is indeed the case. We can’t deport someone if it will put them in danger in their own country. So I’d imagine that this fella has a rock solid case not to be deported.

Whatever about being water tight, I am sure that muslim terrorists have little regard for leaving the Irish taxpayer to fit enormous legal bills

Remember this farcical case:

The economic migrants, social welfare tourists. and Muslim terrorists simply appeal and appeal in order to avoid deportation.

The EU legal system has turned into what appears like a suicide pact.

Kill every last one of them or at least deport them

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Seems fair.

Wow, muslim terrorists win again against Belgium

whose this cunt in Dublin, recruiting for ISIL for the last 15 years?

Just another “harmless muslim” :anguished:

It’s not that they are sticking up for Muslims. It is more that they hate “The West”. And “America”.

I would have thought it’s pretty clear that I don’t consider geopolitical matters in black and white terms, and that posters, such as yourself (and you’re by no means the worst in this regard) who are arguing against me, do exactly that, hence their annoyance at pesky things like the rule of law.

As for who lives in the real world, well that’s certainly a black and white issue. I live in the real world (at least on non-Liverpool FC-related matters), a lot of people here don’t, instead preferring to live in a fantasy world where globalisation and migration don’t exist, and in which they have fantasy solutions such as rounding up and deporting all Muslims.

*You’re better than the Dutch Gold jibe, mate, you really are. I prefer the bedsit one.


Probably a doctor.

Get down off your high horse you fool. ‘Alleged’ and the ‘courts are dealing with it’. We’d no problem speculating on the guilt of graham dwyer when he was before the courts. It was great craic. But now you’re above all discussion of guilt of this chap because he’s a Muslim? And while you’d like to think you’re a well rounded chap up for discussion (the cans will do that to you) you’ve completely avoided some of hbv and others’ points here just because they’re shouting loudly and being racist.
And then you belittled my understanding of basic English while misusing the word ‘then’. You’re beginning to resemble Nembo_Kid but with none of the charm.

A good reason to be fair