Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

For clarity, none of my posts here have been racist. Feel free to prove me wrong.

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Scandalous accusations towards @HBV


No not at all. Fellas here have been filthy racists for years and no one batted an eyelid (rocko may have started a please don’t thread for legal reasons). And Sidney’s shit puns are often more offensive than hbv et al shouting burn em all etc.

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Take it up with your mate @Juhniallio.

The pro muslim terrorist side is desperate now with resorting to uneducated arguments and name calling


To borrow a Jose Mourinho phrase, my horse is a small one compared to yours.

Speculate away by all means, but don’t talk about facts when you’re clearly unaware of what a fact is. Basic English, as you say.

You state that @HBV is shouting loudly and being racist, so, as @glasagusban has said, you make a pretty good case there yourself for not engaging with him. Yet at the same time it’s clear you believe that this same shouting loudly and being racist (your words) constitutes valid debating. That seriously calls into question what your real views are, and that they are perhaps considerably to the right of what you’ve admitted so far - I think in the past you’ve led people to believe you’re an Aodhan O’Riordain supporter, which I find interesting given that O’Riordain wants to “substantially increase” the numbers of refugees Ireland takes in from Syria, the same refugees that you, @HBV and the rest appear so concerned about.

I don’t aim to charm anybody, least of all you and I’m really not sure why you think I should be trying to do that. It sounds fierce needy, to be honest.

It’s well-known that @Julio_Geordio is a right wing fanatic

I think I see what you’ve done here.

@Juhniallio’s even worse

So we now have to pay attention to and engage with the screaming Mary’s who think Ireland is being inundated with Isis terrorists? Why?

You find it beneath yourself to engage with them (aside from smug jibes) and yet when it emerges in the news that the gardai are attempting to deport a fella for terrorist activities you refuse to address it? Pointing out that you are being kicked up and down the thread does not make me support their stance, just that you are pathetic for refusing to address the issue they raise.
You seem to think I’m against taking in refugees. I’m not. But i dont see any problem in fucking out one who has been found to be promoting jihad here. I am however against fellas hanging round a thread being smug fuckers, not engaging.

I’m not sure why you are talking about trying to charm me or others. I merely pointed out that your personal posting has deteriorated alarmingly over the last while and you know I’ve mentioned it before.

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No. You have to address the issue of a guy who is being deported for trying to recruit jihadis here.

You seem to have made some sort of weird leap of logic here that Ireland attempting to deport a suspected terrorist recruiter invalidates Sid’s previous views somehow. Not sure how you got to that.

You also seem to think that every nutjob on here deserves full and complete reaponses. They don’t, they deserve to be shown the stupidity of their ways, and ridiculed.

Why do I?

I thought I did?

As I explained earlier, the system works. What has to be addressed?

If there was a poster who had said that fundamentalist Islam isn’t a problem, or that there are no Muslims in Ireland who support fundamentalist Islam or ISIS, then you might have a valid point in asking that poster to address the deportation case.

But of course that poster doesn’t actually exist, except as a straw man in your head.

As I’ve said, I’m happy to let due process take its course in this case, which the only sensible approach to take.

And which is also, clearly, an engagement on the topic and a statement of my view. If it’s not angry, outraged or reactionary enough for you, I apologise.

You think I’m pathetic. Oh well, too bad.

I could just as easily say that us smug left-wing pinkos have kicked you, @HBV and the rest up and down the thread. Which we clearly have, given that you and others have been so consistently irate in your posting style. You’re irate because we’re not irate enough.

On the one hand you say @HBV and his mini-mes shout and are racist, but on the other hand it’s clear you believe they have a point when they shout whatever nonsense it is they shout. You’re kind of like Richard Hammond when Jeremy Clarkson makes a shit, offensive joke against an ethnic minority. You agree with the pathetic, cowardly, racist views, but you’re too cowardly to actually admit it because you think it would make you look bad. Like Hammond, you’re a man trapped between two different forms of cowardice.


Sorry, boss. I’ll walk away with my head suitably bowed after that chastening and and vow to try and please you more in future.


A final shit pun for @Juhniallio before I go to bed:

Q: What’s the name of the ISIS’s new weight-loss programme for fat people?
A: Mus’slim (must slim, get it?).


How have you kicked anyone up and down the forum? you just refuse to give your opinions and pull people up on things, in fairness there has been some insane right wing suggestions but without providing your own opinion you have little grounds for criticism. Trying to having a reasoned debate, then pulling people up for using your not you’re is ridiculous by the way.

For the new year, is there any way of deciding debates, a jury or something or are we doomed to see the same debates and posts repeated endlessly.

The primary NYE celebrations in Brussels have been



@juhniallio @Sidney @glasagusban

My good name is being tarnished with the racist word here by you buffoons.
Once again, Put up or shut up please.

@Sidney @glasagusban
Muslim scum are recruiting jihadists in Ireland. This is a problem. Neither of you two can say that Ireland should kick them out, in sidney s case hiding behind pathetic gags and in glas case arguing legal process.
That’s pathetic chaps. You’d rather win an argument on thr internet than rid nurdering muslim scum from Ireland.
Get yourselves together ffs

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