Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The main issue I have here, tbh, is the power of the European court to over rule what should be a decision for a sovereign state.
I’d like to see a country rule on deportation one way or another, and then deport, if so deemed, completely ignoring the European court.
People like that Pamela isbeki, or whatever her name is, demonstrate the flaws in the system which, let’s face it, are primarily designed by lawyers, to the benefit of lawyers.
My opinion, fwiw, is that the average punter in tanland is more vexed by the European court of human rights over-ruling the deportation of rapists, murderers, paedophiles and other assorted scum, on spurious interpretations of the human rights charter, than anything else EU related, and this sort of crap will be a major catalyst in any swing toward a Brexit. They should wind their fucking necks in.


We dont want you cunts in europe


Who do you not want in Europe?

Europe for the Europeans.

Old news Flatty. Really old.

If the system worked his ass would be in Jordan or whereever right now.

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Still a valid point though.

All these years after we signed up? Not really.

Let him stay so Glas.

Hmm. So your big beef is that you don’t think I can sometimes agree with hbv and sometimes agree with you? Of course I can. Ill explain again. I think we should take in a load of refugees. I think if we catch one trying to recruit for isis we should fuck him out. Hope that’s clear enough for you.

Irate posting? No. Nowhere have I given out about Muslims or refugees or anything like that. I have shown disdain for you. Just think you’re a sad fellow, who has acted like a child on this thread (not sure why) possibly because you’ve little enough to do in your real life.

I’ve never watched top gear, so I’ve no idea what you’re talking about with your Hammond jibe. Other than that I’m short.


The European Court of Human Rights is not an EU body.

Ireland voluntarily signed up to it.

If you can’t read, I can’t help you. I’ve already my opinions quite clear.

Yes, there have been plenty of insane right-wing suggestions. Over the last few weeks we’ve had:
i) Banning Islam altogether.
ii) Rounding up every Muslim in Ireland and deporting them.
iii) Your suggestion, which I quote: “the west, the US or whatever needs to manufacture a reason to invade Saudi Arabia.” This from the person who says they’re a fan of Chomsky, Pilger and Fisk. :smile:

It was quite and quiet, not your and you’re that I pulled that simpleton @HBV up on by the way. And I enjoyed doing so.

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“Muslim scum are recruiting Jihadists in Ireland.”

@Sidney is right; this sentence is racist surely? Certainly whenever Unionists described the IRA as “Catholic scum” during the troubles, I considered that language to be racist. The argument that the phrase “Muslim scum” isn’t racist is essentially the same as the argument that John Terry wasn’t being racist when he called Anton Ferdinand and “black cu-nt” (was it Anton Ferdinand? I can’t even remember…) and that argument was universally rejected. Although I was not posting on TFK at the time I would imagine that many of the people on this thread enjoyed calling Terry a racist, which he is.

Using a bad element to generate hate towards an entire minority is a classic racist tactic.

It is undeniable that Ireland now has no legal mechanism for dealing with ISIS operatives. Legislative change may be necessary. A solution must be found.

However @Sidney cannot be blamed if he finds it difficult to have an honest discussion of what needs to be done with racists. The underlying trust isn’t there.

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As I said to @Juhniallio, take it to somebody who doesn’t believe that there are any jihadists in Ireland or that that isn’t a problem.

Who is this straw man you keep imagining? Are you spending too much time out in the fields and staring into a scarecrow’s face in whatever godforsaken backwater it is you come from? Or have you an imaginary person called Jeffrey running around your head?

I find it very easy to have an honest discussion on this kind of subject because I actually try to inform myself on such matters.

Others merely use threads like this as a vent to spout gullible, uninformed, cowardly, hateful shit that they’d never dare say in real life.

So you think saudi arabia, in its current almost despotic guise, apparently the source of funding for extremism and terrorism, should be left well enough alone?

I certainly don’t think “the US should manufacture a reason to invade them”, as you do.

I mean, what bad things and unforeseen consequences could possibly come out of that?

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Ok, so what should they do? I didn’t mean the us should do something, they ham fist nearly everything. But their soldiers generally have good intentions overseas, their leaders and policy makers not so much.

I’m not sure what they should do, but I am sure what they shouldn’t do.

But whatever they should do should certainly fall on the side of political and economic pressure rather than invading them.

I thought people might have learned from certain things that have happened since 2003, but apparently some, like yourself, haven’t and want to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, except this time on a far grander scale.