Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Bizarre reasoning in any case. Are you comfortable with the wishes of the state being trampled by an unelected clique, interpreting human rights law in a way that even those responsible for drafting it say it was never intended?
I am happy to welcome all races, colour is irrelevant, as is creed, bar those who have demonstrated in the likes of Rochdale, that they have no intention of integration.
I do not agree with anything more than light brush multiculturalism.
If a person is prepared to at least make an effort to adopt to “our” ways, then they are welcome.
If they commit serious crimes against the person, they should be extradited forthwith, at the wishes of our democratic state.


But you have exactly the same views as the crazed policy makers, and you can’t even see it.

No I don’t you simpleton, I’m not saying pull out a map of the world and lets ‘overthrow dictators’ in places that have resources. Saudi Arabia is a special case though, a root of evil as it were. Political pressure and sanctions won’t bring any changes as long as the oil flows, so either wait for it to stop and the money to dry up, or seize the money and assets, ie oil. I’m not suggesting nuking the country.

You say the US was right to invade Iraq and then say their policies have had an entirely negative effect.

Then you advocate a repeat of those policies.

This is comedy gold.

a mostly negative affect. You say sadaam should have been left in power. I think I win this round.

History proves you’ve lost it.

And just to go back to this point, which public are you talking about?

The Iraqi public, who weren’t consulted about whether they wanted a war, and then a bloody civil war foisted upon them by the US, with up to a million deaths as a result, by some counts?

Or the very knowledgeable US public, 70% of whom believed that Saddam Hussein had a role in planning the September 11th, 2001 attacks?

The soldiers, do you mean the ones that systematically tortured prisoners at Abu Ghraib, or the ones who shot innocent civilians, or bombed innocent civilians from the air and whooped in celebration afterwards?


so you think the iraqi publicthat wasn’t consulted wanted sadaam kept in power? A minority of sunnis possibly, the rest no way. Like i said Iraq should have been divided into three, it was a colonial construction anyway.

the US public were brainwashed by the media, and their government. Are they the only country in the world to have suffered such a fate? do you pay taxes in ireland, you were told by your government that the country owe a national debt due to everyone overspending and while disgruntled blithley pay them anyway. the trusting nature of ordinary americans was easily exploited regarding the reasons for invasion, but the motive of public support was to remove a despot. You would happily have him on the courtyard this morning, executing civilians.

there were definite bad eggs in the army, as there are in every army. but sure just paint them all the same as it suits you. you would prefer the ba’ath party held power, who tortured prisoners for decades, shot innocent civilians, whooped in celebration when kurds were gassed. That’s who you wanted left in power indefinitely. The US fucked up by not having a plan post invasion, that was due to their hawks greed, not stupidity which you think is endemic in america. have you ever been there, do you know many americans? most arent half as stupid as the great unwashed in ireland.

Where have you been learning about the ECHR Flatty, the daily mail?

Maroonandshite is some gas man on this thread


He’s good on the Galway GAA one as well in fairness.

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How do you mean?

I dont even need to ask whether you think sadaam should have been over thrown

As ive stated before, you dont have the balls to give any opinions, and you’ve never denounced Islamic extremists as evil. So be quiet fool.

While I would agree with a good bit of what your saying, your superior condescending attitude and refusal to debate or reply to questions is very irritating. Same goes for Sidney. There’s a few right wing nut jobs like HBV on here but you guys aren’t coming across much better.


Really, mate?

And I also would have whooped in celebration when he gassed the Kurds, would I?

Would you also say that about Chomsky, Pilger and Fisk, whom you claim to read, and recommend to others to read? They were all against the Iraq War too and have consistently written not only savagely accurate but deliciously condescending pieces against people with your sort of views.

Presumably all the hundreds of thousands of people who marched against the Iraq War were celebrating and whooping when Saddam gassed the Kurds? Yes?

You agree with this statement, I take it?

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I didn’t call you a Nazi, mate. Is your imagination running riot on you again?

Why would you object to being called a “US-style ultra-hawk”?

You supported the invasion of Iraq and you support “manufacturing a reason to invade Saudi Arabia”. These are the policies of US ultra-hawks.

You clearly are one.

Fair enough. If the questions were sensible I might engage a bit more. But Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber and pals deserve to have their silly posts knocked down and not more.


@maroonandwhite’s confusion as regards his recommendation that people read Chomsky, Pilger and Fisk, while at the same time defending the invasion of Iraq and calling for the US to invade Saudi Arabia is one of the most unintentionally funny things I’ve ever read.

It would be like if I implored people to vote for Jeremy Corbyn and showered praise on his anti-war, pro-immigration and pro-welfare state policies, but then voted for the BNP.

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100,000 Police on duty on France tonight :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

Time to send the muslim terrorists home. Europeans cannot allow this disruption to our way of life