Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Iā€™ve tried to read the last 200 posts but failed miserably. Was there any mention of the failed plots in Munich or Brussels last night or was it just a few lads talking endless amount of shite?

I see some lad has been recruiting for ISIS in Ireland for the last few yearsā€¦what have you cunts to say about that?

Typing OFFICIAL doesnā€™t make what you say official pal. Iā€™ve set out my argument why trying to remove a dictator was a good thing that ended badly through terrible planning, if you donā€™t agree thatā€™s your own opinion, but this is your laugh a minute debating style, calling someone dumb and saying its OFFICIAL Iā€™m looking forward to destroying you on multiple threads in 2016, especially on hurling, where Iā€™ve owned you for years

Would you not just fuck off out of this thread out of sheer embarrassment at this stage?

Am no. If Iā€™m out debated fair enough and for all his rambling Sidney definitely caught me a few times. God knows not you, you refuse to give any opinion or say anything just be all high and mighty, you are a complete joke, at least Sidney has made a few points, I might not agree with them but he tried. You said you had an opinion, then admitted you made it up. You donā€™t have to reply to me on this thread, you enter no debate so I donā€™t think your part of it really.

You made ā€œpointsā€, I knocked them down. I donā€™t have to contribute anything more than that just to make you feel better.

No you didnā€™t. This is the problem with Internet debating. You think you did, but just thinking you won a debate doesnā€™t make it so. A moot point as you donā€™t debate, just attack other views. I donā€™t expect you to realise this.

You made statements. I debated your statements with you. That is debate. Itā€™s widely agreed that you have made a fool of yourself on this thread so itā€™s unusual for you to be pontificating on how to debate, or more funnily claiming to have won an argument. But I donā€™t expect you to realise this.

I didnā€™t claim I won any argument, you do so repeatedly. I gave my opinion and Sidney his, and neither agreed. Youā€™re incapable of giving an opinion, this has been even more widely recognised on this thread. So why donā€™t you leave it. You contribute nothing.

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Jesus this thread keeps


There are dozens of people in prisons in Europe, mainly France and Germany, for denying the extent of the holocaust. In 14 countries it is illegal to question the holocaust happened or happened as it is officially believed. In the same countries, because it is protected by religious freedom, clerics can preach that non Muslins are infidels and waging violent jihad against them is not only justified but encouraged. Which individuals are more dangerous in your opinion, the ones with the deluded view of history or the ones openly advocating violence to their members?

The holocaust didnā€™t happen.

Interesting piece

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great piece, tough reading for some on here

Where are you getting this? Facts please. Reference. Is this an EU law? You keep talking about ā€œEuropeā€ as if itā€™s one country.

ā€œHappened as it is officially believedā€? Would you like to elaborate on that one?

Worrying to read about the evacuation of the Hauptbahnhof and Pasing train stations in Munich last night after German police seemingly received concrete intelligence on an imminent Paris-style attack. My sister lives in Pasing.

Google it yourself you lazy prick.
ā€œHappened as it is officially believedā€ means exactly as it says, that the Nazis had a goal of exterminating all Jews in Europe and exterminated 6M of them. Iā€™m not a holocaust denier but discussion as to the truth or otherwise of the officially believed version of history should hardly be banned.


Any good story from NYE ?