Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I was in bed at half ten


No. You made an assertion. Sounds like rubbish. At best it’s an exaggeration. You can’t even tell whether national or EU law, despite the fact that you continually refer to “Europe” as if it were one country. Back it up.

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Daycant Chomsky interview came across tonight Common Sense Interview - Noam Chomsky http://www.countercurrents.org/chomsky240703.htm

What is the word on the street/internet on this Isis scum that has been living amongst ‘Irish Muslims’ the past 15 years.

Where is he now
Who is sheltering him
What mosques is he attached to


Check this out

Also interesting to see who has been at the forefront of the development of the muslim brotherhood for the past 15 years.

Ali Selim is the poster boy for the Islam sympathisers on here. He is offen quoted by @glasagusban as a defence for ‘Irish Muslims’ to be given free reign here.
I posted before about the Dublin mosques, steeped in fundamentalism. Backed financially and under direction from looney clerics from the brotherhood who are based in UAE.

It’s utter madness that we allow this situation develop under our noses.
Worse still that winning an argument on the internet is seen as more important for some very stranfe individuals than facing up to a very serious issue for Ireland

How does the fact I nominated him for COTY back in January tally with your assertion?

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Looks like ali relatively recently completed a PhD in trinity.

I wonder if the Irish taxpayer funded this for him?


So he was ali selim up to 2 years ago.finished a PhD and seemingly is going by Dr now.

Bomb every mosque. Theres a starting point.

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That’s a clamping

in fairnes to sidney, he can make good points. unlike you, you only pretend you can.

@Glasagusban is making sense on this thread to be fair to him.

by saying nothing…thats one way of looking at it

I can be as racist or objective as the next fella @maroonandwhite, but there is no point mate.

Myself and yourself don’t have any power to stop the madness you know.

nope, but we have the right to speak freely on it

100% pal - all organised religions should be disbanded for me. Personally myself I don’t see any terrorist attack coming from ISIL or whatever we want to call them in Ireland.

Being honest my only issue with Muslims is in there non assimilation to Irish culture and customs.


You can speak freely but what good is it if carries no weight? Free speech is for people in power… Whataboutery is what we subscribe to.


No I don’t see any attack here, the main reason being that ireland is such a safe haven for extremists, we are thirty years behind britain in monitoring people. That’s not a bad thing in itself re personal liberty, but i think it means we are just a safe place and won’t be attacked lest that situation be messed up.I’d guess the authorities have no idea who’s living in the country. i wonder how many guards speak the various arabic dialects? I’d guess zero. Have they consulted with or hired people within the muslim community to help even read emails and texts? The thing is decent reasonable muslims are speaking out on the chaos extremism is causing within their communities and mosques, they have a right to live the peaceful and in a way western lives they came to ireland for, so the government can’t just bury their heads in the sand and pretend extremism doesn’t exist here. But I imagine the government is clueless and has little stomach for it.

speak to your candidates, there’s an election coming up. Not that we have politicians of substance who would listen, we have multiple hughies instead.

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