Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I’d 'ave a relatively good knowledge of law and EU law and it smacks of nonsense to me.

Ah lovely :+1:t4:

Common Sense Interview - Noam Chomsky http://www.countercurrents.org/chomsky240703.htm

Is your knowledge of law from being on the wrong side of it?

Here you are, this is a good starting point. There are dozens of articles at the bottom if you are interested in the subject further. It’s not an EU wide law, although that was proposed in 2001 but defeated by the UK. The point is that countries like Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands regard people who doubt the extent of the holocaust that happened 70 years ago as dangerous enough to imprison, but protect the free speech rights of radical ideology that is an imminent danger today because it is under the umbrella of religion. Madness.


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The muslim terrorist pals of @Sidney and @glasagusban are at it again

the new ISIL video is shite

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Agreed. They played it on Select MTV with Donna Air this afternoon. Can’t sing, can’t dance, their tunes are shite, they’ll go a long way.

Supposed bomb 'found’in England - outside police station

Reported attacks throughout Germany



The video looks like classic New Years high jinks.

And if the German police can’t track down a group of 1000 men then I’d suggest incompetence.

It’s a sad fall from grace for the German police alright, back in the day they were a dab hand at tracking down an ethnic group.

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gangs of Muslim savages attacking women, its only a matter of time before its Ireland

And these lads have towels on their head…

Them big stars on the breast were fierce handy for identification purposes but.

They’re perverts altogether. Greasy, persian bastards loving the rape as well as everything else. They have nothing redeemable, trouble on every front.


it must have been like something out of rotherham

Some piece of shit just blown away in Paris trying to attach a police station