Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Congratulations on passing the Junior Cert, whenever it was.

There’s a syrian guy in the market in Limerick who makes fantastic falafels.
He can stay.

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A great addition. How many falafel guys do we need? I’d say we can take at least 5 more

Most emmigrants are like that.

Winner rating.[quote=“Sidney, post:3696, topic:19924, full:true”]

Congratulations on passing the Junior Cert, whenever it was.

Didn’t notice them in pdc to be honest and I clearly remember remarking to the missus in C T that there wasn’t a Muslim in sight the whole week.

How long were you in pdc for? Just a couple of days? May have all descended after you’d moved on.

3 days I think. Mostly looking at tits on the beach.

It won’t be long till the marauding Muslim rape gangs have reached there

Germany is under siege from these muslim migrants. Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin and other cities all currently no go areas for young women after dark.
Huge huge mistake by the Germans letting them in. Massive error.
Austria and Switzerland with similar issues of terrorists attacking woman in an organised fashion left right and centre.

How many are we taking lads?

You’ll know they’re on our doorstep when they turn up at a pdc event. These events are a magnet for those types. Until that happens we’ll just have to watch the white, Christian rape gangs who already attend them.

Senator David Norris’s former partner has been condemned by Israel’s prime minster after he was filmed claiming to help Palestinian secret police find and kill Palestinians who sell land to Jews.

A view into the world that @Sidney and @glasagusban want us to live in.


That doesn’t look like Cologne to me, where did you get that video from?

Cairo, which is where it is.

Doesn’t take much to fool these lads.

What a sicko.

I hope the Gardai are monitoring your sick comments.

In the warped mind of the rapist apologist, it is ok to sexually abuse women in Cairo?

Wow. What a sicko.

No, its wrong to use a reprehensible video from Cairo and claim it to be Cologne, in order to build anti-islamic sentiment against the new settlers in Germany and wider Europe. Nowhere did Sid say it was “okay cos its Cairo”


You might as well be talking to the wall with that fella.

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It’s quite simple, the decent people are against sexual assaults by muslim immigrants

@Sidney, @glasagusban and perhaps yourself are willing to accept the muslim sexual assaults and terrorism.