Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

That’s a strawman. All I stated was that the use of the video was wrong as a means of evidence of Muslim gang attacks in Cologne, and a source of anti-islamic sentiment. Nobody said sexual assault is acceptable by any person(s).

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Another bad night of internetting for this project x fella.

In the warped mind of the racist fantasist sexual assault is ok if it isn’t committed by Muslims immigrants.

@glasagusban and @Sidney

Sad to see your attempts at justifying your sicko opinions on sexual assaults.

Horrific, there are over 500 reported cases now.

Did you try to pass off a video from Cairo as being from Cologne?

No, although apparently the deviant @Sidney thinks sexual assault is ok in Cairo.

Over 500 cases of sexual assault in Cologne now. A sad time for western civilisation

I don’t think this is true mate. That video isn’t from Cologne.

I’m still waiting for @ProjectX to tell us where he got that video from. It would be nice if he came on here and cleared all this up for us.

Maybe he took it himself?

While I’m for taking in Syrians fleeing war, this should be the wake up call countries need…you can’t just expect to take in a large group of refugees and have no vetting or policy in place when they do arrive, which is exactly what we would do. Letting scores of migrants waltz into a country is a disaster waiting to happen.

Correct, you are not a racist or a nazi for saying that kid.

I heard FG are setting up procedures to ensure we dont let terrorists in, possibly asking them at immigration to tick a box to say they arent a terrorist. Nice idea and would keep the likes of Colm OGorman @sidney and Trevor Hogan quite for a change as you wouldnt want to infringe on these peoples human rights.

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Bomb gone off in Turkey aimed at tourists. Hundreds of victims

The world is gone mad. You aren’t safe anywhere, but definately not anywhere over there

Bomb victims “are French, German and Norgwegian”
CCN Turkey reports that European tourists from Germany and Norway are among the victims, while other media sources have added that the death toll includes French nationals.

Apparently it was fairly close to the Blue Mosque which is the main Tourist area in Istanbul.

Amazing that no Turks were affected

good luck at Euro 2016 lads, its going to be carnage.


Yeah. I was there 12 years ago. It could have been me.

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