Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

It doesn’t say that anywhere you politically correct ape.


Why would anyone go on a holiday to Turkey ?

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I always thought Istanbul would be a cool place to visit. Not sure why.

Middle aged female sex tourists looking for some young Turk shlong

Tremendous history to it tbf. Just a pity there’s so many Turks (sorry rocko).

I mean,why now when its a warzone. You woulnt catch me going near any muslim country


You’d want your head examined if you are going to the euros


Yep madness.

You’re quoting Paul Mason articles now? :smile:

You do understand that Paul Mason is a left, liberal socialist?

It does in the line you posted. Maybe you left out the word “included”, your mistake then.

If you weren’t so quick to get your PC oar in you might have read the post first, which of course includes the word “includes” as well as “among the victims”. You absolute mug

I quoted a sentence

Most people lack your natural pragmatism and common sense, pal

Apology accepted.

I know this is a difficult time for you Pipsters (PC Hipsters) as you are struggling to reconcile the sexual assaults by gangs of migrants with your pro migrant bias


What apology? You made a statement in a sentence. I corrected it. Apology accepted.

unless the frogs can assure me that they can absolutely account for every single firearm legal or otherwise in their country then i wouldn’t dream of standing in a crowded gathering over there ie a sitting duck in a country full of amateur terrorists who would revel in murdering me and other like minded western folk while the media spotlight is present

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There’s a strawman living in his mind
He’d like if it was real
But it isn’t so he lies
There’s a strawman living in his mind
The straw is messing up his brain
Can’t see 'cause he is blind

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unfortunately yes he is right,
Im many Moslem counries this kind of thing is ok, if men see women out alone and not draped in long shawls then , yes they think they can be sexually assaulted.
I posted on here before and was attacked for it that the value of human life in the Arab world is not the same as in Europe simply because their society is based on savage, primitive behaviour, now ill have the usual screaming marys telling me they invented the wheel or some shite but that was 5000 years ago,
Arabs cannot leave in a democracy, they need an authoritarian ruler and how they intrepret their “religion” will tell you that,
Of all the places i have travelled to Arab society has been the most hostile and unwelcoming, im not talking about a trip to Dubai, tryy walking around Cairo, Sa’ana these capitals of the Arab world are barbaric places devoid of law and order where ego and chaos reigns. there can never ever be democracy in Syria or Egypt, the population will not allow it as they cannot live that way. The concept of saving face in the Arab world is alien to any westerner, an Arab cannot “loose” an election, any contest means war and fighting… they are so primitive in this regard, any Arab i know with half a brain is trying to leave these hell holes,
The only normal place over there i have been to, and its not an Arab country is Iran where people are actually normal, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia are madhouses, all that is keeping Saudi, Qatar, etc from kicking off are the ruling administrations
Its an utter fallacy that anyone can think millions of these primitive people can be integrated en masse into a European sociaty and anyone who thinks otherwise is a deluded fool


@glasagusban has stated that these people who are raping girls in germany are highly educated