Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

they might be,
it matters not, notwithstanding ( @Bandage) their level of academic achievement they find it acceptable for a man to be able to literally “covet” a woman that he wants, a way to take what he sees as his if she is not the possession of another male or covered in sackcloth,
Arabs also are very poor at controlling emotions, they are hopelessly poor at debate and discussion in general, lets just say the idea of chatting up a woman is not in their culture as usually marriages are arranged, any woman who does not have her head covered by 13 is deemed a prostitute or something that can be abused, it is a disgusting culture in that regard …
@ChocolateMice here gets on to me saying i have a bad attitude towards gays, well mother of fuck, head off to Cairo and see what they think of them…


He’s right though, pal.

im not saying he isn’t

Unfortunately it looks like our Jewish friends are now at risk in from the muslim invasion of Europe

Compared to @glasagusban , they probably are highly educated

The jews are nobodies friends, certainly not Ireland’s anyway

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i think the moral of this story is not to judge people on their level of education as some of the more naive posters seem to want to do.
you can spend your whole adult life in education but still be thick as two short planks and as evidence with these highly educated muslims still be no more than half a step ahead of barbarianism.


Or like you, have no education and also be as thick as two short planks.

this is a serious situation @Sidney

Untrue. But sure carry on you seem like you’re having fun for yourself.

Syrian muslim terrorist. A number of Germans murdered.

Is it any wonder that the Turks want to funnel the Syrians as quickly as possible into Europe?

They were quick to figure out it was a Syrian the Turks. Especially since there was only parts of him left.

Erdogan: Bomber was Islamic State jihadist
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said that the bomber was a member of Islamic State.
“We have determined that the perpetrator of the attack is a foreigner who is a member of Daesh,” he said.
Daesh is a term commonly used to describe the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
Conflicting reports over bomber’s nationality
Whereas the Turkish President has claimed that the bomber is a young Syrian, Turkish newspaper Today’s Zaman said the bomber had been identified as Saudi-Arabian born Nabil Fadlı, quoting the Dogan news agency.

Pic of explosion* allegedly


Can anyone tell me how to activate the #standwithTurkey profile pic option on Facebook?

Post a photo of your Christmas dinner.

Whereas the Turkish President has claimed that the bomber is a young Syrian, Turkish newspaper Today’s Zaman said the bomber had been identified as Saudi-Arabian born Nabil Fadlı, quoting the Dogan news agency.

Thats the Turks trying to justify the shooting down of a Russian plane a while back

It is a cool place to visit. Or was.

anyone going to France for the euro’s is taking their life in their own hands, there will be a savage attack at one of the games, mark my words, hundred will be slaughtered