Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

You f’ing pro rapist deviant


Is this a TFKism, or is it the mainstream meeja?

Dumb rating.



No need for that pal.


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I can’t imagine the lads would have a great deal of patience for to & fro-ing of online dating. Not when you can just drag 'em down the subway.

Just had a quick skim through this thread. I’m afraid I need to pull you up on a miscalculation. Without clicking on your link above, I can see that of the 516 cases, 40% relate to sexual assault. That’s about 207 cases relating to sexual assault pal. Signing out. As you were.

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Great point Mickee - I’d imagine there are as many, if not more sexual assaults committed by well-educated people in power as by uneducated people.

You can fuck right off now pal. They’re no friends of mine. Definitely signing out now.

So three Russians, suspected members of ISIS have been arrested in relation to the turkey attack. Obviously not beyond the realms of possibility what with Chechen rebels etc. but the whole thing seems off to me. They were able to identify the suicide bomber as a Syrian ISIS member awful fast. Be interesting to see how it plays out.

The Turkish government are certainly not to be trusted.

@mickee321 - can you please make it your business to post more on this thread? Your single contributions are worth about 50 combined glasagusban and projectx. Always good to have posts from someone who’s lived in these areas rather than someone whose knowledge is limited to what they’ve read on Twitter.

@Bandage, did I get my who’s / whose right?

Yes, pal.

Hot diggity dog

Big sweaty auld fella is that your man? Theres a younger woman and young fella with him… I go the falafel a few times off him but last time I’d to rum to a toilet 30mins later

I lived in Cologne. The arabs there that i met were slippery cunts


do you search the web all day for these stories?


a month ago we were watching 10 or less of these terroists, now we are watching 40. and we have been told we can only watch them and not throw them out.
you couldnt make this up.

ill tell you what @glasagusban agus @Sidney (the Trevor Hogan and Collette Brown of the forum), i have a simple solution to this problem that maybe if you agree to you could start pushing from your end ie the internet

  1. any man of fighting age from a warzone must stay in that warzone until your shit gets sorted.
  2. if you feel you need to avail of refugee status elsewhere on humanitarian grounds and let me tell you this is totally understandable then you must stay and fight your war and send your woman and children of non fighting age to us and we will provide them with shelter. the reason for this is simple to those of us in civilised societies, leaving your women and children behind in a warzone when you run like a hot snot out of there is a fairly shitty thing to do. if you need to transport them here then do it and fuck off back to the mad house pronto.

i think this is a very generous offer from ‘the west’.