Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Why did object to my use of the term, then?

But they want a different legal system based on their religion? Which is what I said and you disputed and I proved.

You keep lining em up mate and I’ll keep knocking them down.

I didn’t, I asked do you need to be a feminist to think rape is wrong? I’m sure there are plenty of people who aren’t feminists who think rape is wrong, don’t you?

Here is some more bad news. Deviants @Sidney and @glasagusban may welcome these developments.

Is it possible this is just women making it up?


A link to an Internet post full of conjecture that doesn’t really say anything at all? I’m not sure what your point or attempted point is, but you certainly didn’t make one. FYI, as everyone knows, sharia law is valid unless it contravenes domestic law. The same as any other contract really.

You’ve been on here long enough to know what well clamped means though. Cop on to yourself.

People are free to make private arrangements as they want, as long as they’re not violating the laws of the state.

There is no move to have Sharia Law supercede UK state law.

Sure Christians are free to believe in “God’s Law”, whatever that is. That doesn’t mean there’s a parallel legal system for Christian nut jobs about to be created.

Or just some excitable fugees, who are just hugging these ladies because they are so grateful to be let into the country?

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Do you think these courts respect the rights of women? Are you a feminist?

Did your mother never teach you not to interrupt when the adults are talking?

You did.

I can’t for the life of me understand why anybody would object to being called a feminist. To me, if you believe in a free, tolerant, democratic society, it should be a given that you are one.

Why are you wasting time having a debate with someone who thinks it is acceptable for muslims to sexually assault women and children?

Ah you have to pop in every now and again and rile them up.

Cracking response mate. @ProjectX level internetting from you with your “clamping” above.

Maybe you should educate yourself before you go posting about things you know nothing about, or even read the articles you post links to, before you claim to have “clamped” someone?

If you read what was happening you would understand what was being discussed.

They’re not “courts” in the eyes of the law. They’re just called that. They have about as much legal standing as the Kangaroo Courts on the British Loins tours.

Yes, mate, I’m a feminist

Do I respect the right of women to act against their own interest within the law if they so choose? Yes.

Do I think that they should? No.

Do I respect the right of people from lower socio-economic areas to act against their own interest by voting for parties which benefit the wealthy? Yes. I don’t think they should, obviously.

Do they have any say in it? No.

I’m not sure that’s true. You appear to be posting random links to things and claiming to have clamped people. Is that’s what’s going on? Is it a game? Who shouts clamped the loudest?


Here you go @glasagusban and @Sidney


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Under UK law, they do, yes.

If they don’t exercise it or feel they can’t, that’s a whole different problem and one which requires better education and better intervention by state services.

Women feeling powerless in the face of patriarchal family/cultural situations is something that is far from exclusive to the Muslim community.