Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Terror attack in Dublin !

Rumours are it was gang related but could easily have been muslims in a random attack. We got away with it, this time.

Thanks for the update pal.

Their faces were completely covered but they spoke with “strong Dublin accents”.

In this case, it is questionable whether the terrorists were “well educated”

Machine gun used. All the hallmarks of ISIS


Afraid not, Dublin gougers dressed as guards. They must not have spoken to anyone, the accent would have been a giveaway.

Muslim involvement hasn’t been ruled out yet kid but it is awfully similar to attacks Muslims have been terrorising Europe with of late.
Personly I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Luckily we don’t jump to any conclusions on here so let’s wait and see first.

They did have strong dub accents

A scared young child can be heard saying: ''Daddy help me"


What is the world coming to?

Everyone should add a dublin flag to their Facebook profile.

That will teach the terrorists.

Oops :flushed:


That’s fucking nuts. Pure terrorism regardless of who’s behind it.

Fucking mad

A MAN dressed in a long blonde wig and a grey dress was part of the four-man killing squad that went on a terrifying shooting spree in a Dublin hotel earlier today."

Tune in to the news there lads they will be showing clips from scuffles at the anti Islam rally in Dublin today. Pro Islam terrorists turned up to the peaceful protests and started a big row.

God bless the brave people who turned up for the anti Islam side.

Pro Islamic terrorists attacked Pegida supporters in Dublin today.

Horrific scenes on the news now.

Pro Islamic terrorist beating up members of the public in Dublin city centre today and “Gardai made no arrests”