Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

No booze though.

If 34 innocent people were slaughtered on my behalf this morning Iā€™d certainly want the world to know I was sickened by it and wanted nothing to do with it.

The lads are over in clonskeagh and the Black Pitts watching this on sky and laughing their holes off at the likes of @Sidney and @glasagusban who are defending their right to stay silent.

Seems one of the terrorists shit the course again. Threw his belt away and fled with the crowd.

Or you havenā€™t got a clue what youā€™re talking about when it comes to this type of issue, which was already obvious.

Go into molenbek and slaughter every last one of them. Time to time take off the gloves

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You havenā€™t yet condemned the Holocaust, which was done in your name.

Would it not be better to just pack them off to a muslim country, where they can be happy and live their muslim way there?


They are sitting in there now laughing and celebrating


I presume the entire morning has been spent between sid/hbv/tossy arguing the same thing again?
Anything else interesting in terms of tactics or the likes?
Obviously this was brought on/forward by the arrest of Abdeslam. So either the other lads shat themselves( knowing he would rat them out anyway being a bottler) and decided they had to go with their plans asap. In which case, a) they were obviously ready to go, Iā€™ve no idea how long it takes to make a couple of bombs but the logistics must be severely hampered by the amount of police swarming. So a couple of day turnaround is quite impressive.
B) you would think most of them ready to go would have gone so maybe only the two bombs is a ā€˜decentā€™ result overall in a weird way? No mass shootings , lowish casualty numbers for very crowded places.

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That place should be raised to the ground. Without a shadow of a doubt. You can only imagine the type of dangerous fucker that is in it. We are not far away from it here ourselves.
There is one of these dirty cunts over in the Blackpitts mosque off Clanbrassill Street who is preaching that desperate shit they come out with and nobody is willing to speak out against him for fear of being branded a racist by the new age fascists. The fucking Iman they call him, you couldnt make it up. He is on record as saying he wouldnt judge Bin Laden because he didnt think Bin Laden was guilty of anything. Thats what the dirty cunt says in public, imagine the shit he comes out with behind closed doors. Rotten bastard, and we cant touch them. This is only going one way.

Incredible scenes on Bird Avenue at 2pm this afternoon.

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Whats this now?

Apologies mate, early report were incorrect and this actual shot was taken near the Iraqi city of Tikrit


Who shot who?

This must be why they are winning. I didnt realise they lived in a subterranean city, they are probably in cahoots with the morlocks and the mole people.

or worseā€¦

craaaaab peep-leā€¦

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Why cant these fuckers just accept western ideals and if they cant accept them then just fuck off? The poor girl murdered because she didnā€™t want to marry her cousin.


Every Muslim in Europe is doing this, even the ones who have been murdered. Theyā€™re all guilty.

What this demonstrates is that the politicians and security forces are powerless to protect the people they are paid to protect and stop these attacks. The useless Belgian cunts have had 4 months since the Paris attacks, which originated from Brussels, and for all their lock downs and enhanced security, canā€™t stop a bunch of lads with bombs strapped onto themselves walking into airports and metro stations. For all the hand wringing and condemnations, there just isnā€™t the political will to tackle the problem. The politicians are too busy in meetings discussing how to fairly divide up the millions of refugees entering Europe, when thereā€™s no fucking borders to stop them going where they like anyway.


Thereā€™s no way of stopping such attacks, how can anyone blame the government or police if someone who has never come to their attention walks into a train station with an explosive belt under their hoody. The only way would be to work with sources within the Islamic community who hear the extremist imams and recruiters first hand and track who has been influenced by them. But what happens when these people ask for support in fighting the extremism that tears up their own families, like prominent Irish Muslims have done? Nothing, as the authorities refuse to even investigate claims too fearful of being branded racists like our in house shrieker is screaming at everyone on this thread, where the opportunity to appear condescendingly smug and self righteous is far more important than actually helping Muslims who want to rid their communities of the extremists.