Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I havenā€™t seen @HBV accuse anybody of being racist today, in fairness.

they are sitting below in Molenbek now. laughing and celebrating the slaughter of over 30 people, fucking savages, Iā€™m choking with the anger here, this could be the one that pushes me over the edge, London is next, its only a matter of time, then Dublin, we are at war with these pricks

Do it, pal. You know you want to.

Another @Sidney gag.
People are dead you cunt the time for cheap gags are long gone.

Spent much of the afternoon watching George Galloway interviews from last few years. He was calling it way back.

He is an utter opportunistic amoral cunt of a man. He has as much moral integrity on the issue as Tony Blair.

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Iā€™m trying to offer an olive branch here, pal, and all I get is more ISIS-like shrieking and wallowing in victimhood from you.

Condemn the Srebrenica massacre, please. It was done in the name of Christianity.


Random waterboarding on anybody that doesnā€™t have red hair and freckles in Oireland is my proposal to solve this mess


bring in internment for a start, all Muslims in Ireland should be interned, then put on trial and sent back to Syria if found guilty

Iā€™ve noticed a clear trend in ISISā€™s recent attacks.

Theyā€™ve attacked Turkey (Istanbul) and now Brussels (sprouts) - thereā€™s a clear anti-Christmas dinner theme underlying their ideology.

Iā€™m guessing itā€™ll be Hamburg next.

That or they take out Dolores Oā€™Riordan.

they should be forced to convert to Roman Catholicism

time to starting putting in minefields in Greece and other points of land entry, intense screening at airports and seaports, blow all illegal boats out the water and start deporting all Muslims to Syria would be a good start


Syria is too close mate- sub Saharan Africa for them

@Sidneyā€™s twitter is a disgrace todayā€¦

the time for talking is over

Why so?

A Christian and a Muslim preaching a few feet from each other on New St. Both being ignored except for a bored policeman watching over them.