Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I won’t thank it because it’s in bad taste to, but if you made that connection yourself then fair play to you, I assume you plagiarised it?

One of my favourite terror attacks are the type that drag on all day.
Like the Charlie hebdo attacks went on for hours and peaked right around teatime with the shootout in the northern Paris industrial estate.
The twin towers attack gave me time to get home, have a shower and be sitting in front of sky news before they fell.
This one in Brussels was over in the blink of an eye and on when most of us were at work.
I’m sure morning attacks that dont drag on all day are a ratings killer.

Hamburgers for Christmas dinner sid? That sounds shit.

They fell at about 2 pm our time, brimmer. We’re you feeling a bit sick that afternoon again?


@Tassotti , time to accept your destiny


today is the day the music died in Brussels

He was in the Tipp institute of technology at the time, hadn’t started with Tipp county council by that time.


its as simple as this, this is what it has come to, if there are no Muslims in Europe, there will be no more Muslim terrorists, the time for talking is over

Pleased we’re safe so, pal.

I went into shock so badly I just found myself heading for home to be with loved ones.
As a side note to that day. Who’s company was I in that day as the news broke ?
Yeah. You got it in one. Forum favourite, @Fitzy.


Sweden is full of these fuckers too, god help us all

What’s the chances you were either in, coming from, or on the way to a chip shop.
Fair chance I’d say.

Barack Obama taking time out from the ballgame in Havana to address the situation

He truly is an amazing man. But he’ll never be fit to lace the boots of George W. Bush.


To be fair the first tower didn’t fall till 3pm

Good to see the Americans understand there is still a threat and are being vigilant



I wouldn’t like to be heavy handed with Mary Lou. God knows what you’d find if you searched hard enough

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Congratulations President Trump

I was in shock so time kind of stood still for me.


wait till you and your fellow countymen in Kilkenny feel the wrath of muslim terror squads