Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

this might sound unbelievable, but I was drinking in the barrowboy and banker at half nine last night, Iā€™m fair rattled


Say a little prayer

Woke up this morninā€™, got yourself a gun.

Nothing you ever say ever sounds unbelievable, you have a lovely little way of telling your stories that we feel like we are right there with you.

Youā€™ve previously advocated rounding up and interning all Muslims in Britain without trial on this forum.

How long before you do it again?

Ah hardly

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Point to that please

What happened pal, take us through it step by step. This could be important.

I will when you substantiate what you said about Corbyn.

Thereā€™s nothing to substantiate on his part. He wondered if something would happen.

Yes there is, and shouldnā€™t you be outraged that his first reaction is to vilify somebody else apart from the people that actually carried out the attack?

This is usually a big bugbear of people like yourself when people object to Katie Hopkins calling for a final solution, etc., after these sorts of attacks.

ā€œWhy is these pliihcly cā€™rect idiotsā€™ first reaction always to go after the people who are tellinā€™ ih loike ih is?!ā€

ā€œWoy dahnt they focus on the people wot done ih?ā€

And yet thatā€™s exactly what @Enrique has done here.

Be consistent.

That never happened.

And your first reaction was to hope it was Richard Hammond,

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Given that seven people are known to have died, I fervently hope heā€™s one of them, and Clarkson too.

When have I ever talked about Katie Hopkins?

He actually said he hoped it was a Juventus fan driving the van and that he wanted him to kill 39 Real Madrid fans before he mentioned Hammond.

This is what you are dealing with.


I donā€™t know, and I couldnā€™t really be bothered checking back over your posts to see if you have.

But Iā€™m happy to engage in broad brush generalisations, seeing as theyā€™re the accepted currency of debate around here from both the forum RRWs and the less numerous URWs.

Now, now, anti-free speech leftyā€¦

A fucking scummy cunt, I hope tragedy never visits his door but looking for humour (very badly) in this shit is as low as it gets.


Yes, itā€™s a lot worse than killing seven people in a terrorist attack. :grin: