Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

You’re responsible for everything you write here

Listen, mate… Don’t be coming in here now giving it the mother Theresa… But i’m curious, who is @ChocolateMice responsible to?

We are? :eek:

The Internet police will lock up your moniker

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I’m in a bit of bother here…

Responsible to yourself. You are bleating above to flatty that you didn’t mean it was only a bit of banter so you were obviously ashamed of your previous actions

Myself? Can you break that down for me?

Worth a watch if you can spare the time. These cunts were swanning around London openly recruiting and spreading their hate while the only ones standing up to them were Muslims.


They showed that group openly trying to recruit on some street, not sure was it in London or Manchester. The only bit of hassle they got was from a Muslim. I think he told them to piss off if they didn’t like it in the UK.

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Yourself. Yes. Mrs Sullivan’s son in law to be. Former olive seller and perpetual student formerly known as mark renton.

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You’re saying that the guy behind @ChocolateMice is responsible for @ChocolateMice ? :joy:

He’s just another whataboutery merchant

Just because you can’t read between the lines… with your literal polish bulb.

I couldn’t go to work again today. The terrorists are winning, I have been badly affected

Have you thought about going to see a counsellor, pal? Don’t let this eat you up, you could develop a terrible phobia if you let this eat you up… you could be trapped in your house for years.

Lads I’m worrried about @Tassotti another day he hasn’t gone to work. Either he can’t living in a country under attack, not knowing where the next attack is going to come from or else he is using the attacks as an excuse for a few days off. I hope it is neither but if it is the first then @Tassotti come on home to where it is safe and sound and you don’t have to worry about being blown up. Well unless you are in Dublin and your last name is Hutch then your fucked.

If its the second then get off your arse to lazy cunt and stop using peoples deaths as an excuse to for few days off. It is disgusting if you are doing this.

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This London attack seemed quite half baked compared to others.
The fact that they had fake suicide vests points to either:

  1. Was carried out by people outside of a true terrorist network.
  2. Police/Intelligence are doing a better job in clamping down on allowing people gain access to these weapons.

Now it’s hard to justify it being #2 with what happened in Manchester so recently.
These lads knew they’d be killed quickly by cops and failed in maximising victims outside of obvious anti-social tactics that take zero training. Wouldn’t be surprised if the London attack was kind of a copy-cat attack by wannabes as opposed to actual planned attack within the terrorist network like Paris or Manchester.

The police have shut down numerous attacks in the last few years and indeed the last few months.

You won’t hear that over the various agendas being screamed in the last couple of days.
