Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Yes, @anon7035031 's first thought is to use a right wing facist killing 49 people to support a right wing argument about guns.

Youā€™d hope thereā€™s a hell waiting for cowards like these.

A lot of these thick headcases seem to be chefs.

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Why donā€™t you agree with the death penalty?

They are gone mental on the personal. Canā€™t handle the pressure



A personal fitness trainer I heard there on the radio.

Senator Fraser Anning

Yes who apparently made enough money on bitcoin to go travelling for a few years. I think people are getting confused with his reference to being a ā€˜kebab removalistā€™

It was a poor attempt at humour.

Australia showing all its class ā€¦ A truly, horrible place ā€¦ I honestly dont know how alright sorts @Fitzy and @Chucks_Nwoko can live there

The British grenadier marching tune playing away, plenty of slaughter associated with it for hundreds of years. Horrible stuff.

Here, have you logged in yet? Iā€™ll start issuing sanctions soon.

Tomorrow, kid. I can only handle one bandwagon at a time

You wouldnā€™t mind, but this guyā€™s ā€œmanifestoā€ (FFS sake) could easily have been one of @anon7035031ā€™s many hate-filled rants against Muslims.

Weā€™ve had a certain poster here tell us that the concept of ā€œemboldeningā€ doesnā€™t exist. I guess this puts that theory to bed. Yet again.

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An emotive cartoon is a vital part of a terrorist attack these days.

Christchurch has had it very rough lately. The right wing media have blood on their hands

Maybe itā€™s time for people to start taking Muslim-hatred seriously.

Because up to now, weā€™ve been constantly itā€™s just good old fashioned japes.

ā€œStop trying to change the subject!ā€

Except itā€™s exactly the subject - encouraged shamelessly by mainstream right-wing politics and media everywhere.

His manifesto could have been written by a 10 year old*, or a supporter of the US Republican party, itā€™s so simple.

*No 10 year old would be that hate filled.

Iā€™m anti Burka. Itā€™s something that grates me.