Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

A tangent to this vile attack but one shocking thing to emerge from it based on a cursory read of twitter is that many people don’t know whether to use affected or effected.


don’t watch it, I am shaking after it


I saw it on a whatsapp group earlier but yeah I wouldn’t watch it man that type of viewing would only depress you for the day.

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How the fuck can ye watch that shit fellas?

The world of hatred that is going on on the internet is frequently and conveniently glossed over by reactionary right-wingers (aka fascists), most of whom are highly active on that very same internet.

It’s dismissed as “not real life”, when it very much is, and has the severest consequences for non-online life.

When are internet-based reactionary right-wingers going to acknowledge that their very hate speech, driven and amplified by the internet, is creating, reinforcing and driving that world of hatred that is going on the internet, and is frequently and increasingly spilling over into non-online life? The answer is never.

The reactionary right-wing internet is the parallel world, the Pandora’s Box of hatred, that is poisoning societies.

Fascism creates a double bind - if you platform it, you legitimise it. You can’t “out-debate” it, because fascists are never there to debate, they’re only ever there to lie and distort reality, and spread fear and hatred. That’s as true of Trump and Boris Johnson as it is for some basement dweller on 4chan.

If you de-platform fascism or fascists, you feed into the imagined victimhood narrative, you feed into their conspiracy narratives.

If you fight fascists with violence, you feed into every single one of their narratives.

Fascism is a self-reinforcing loop, a flesh eating virus which eats everything in its path - it never stops until it ends up eating humanity whole, and every single thing you can think of, no matter what it is, whether it’s a banal comment on a forum or a grotesque fascist massacre, acts as a reinforcer of fascist “victimhood” and fear and anger.


Just what I was thinking- knee jerk reaction coming

So you just want to use this to score TFK points, based on falsehoods of course.

It’s only taken you 10 years to figure things out.
Well done. You must be smarter than your regular aussie.


On balance I don’t think it’s something a State should do.


I have this internet lark now…

I can see something like this happening in Ireland. I know lads my age, formally lefties, generally weirdos to begin with, spending too much time online and being sucked into the alt/far right world view. A lot of English fascists movingto the west coast in the past few years as well, especially Donegal.

A double reply.
That’s stage 4 territory

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I happen to find Burqas very fashionable and trendy. They really accentuate the beauty in a lady’s eyes.

You.must be so proud that the death of 49 innocent people has helped you get a few likes on the internet. It’s a big life you lead.

No he really doesn’t! :no_mouth:

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Who was the social media influencer he told people to follow on youtube?

They should have shot the cunt. Pointless keeping him alive.

the audit trail doesn’t lie

What’s after coming up on the audit trail?