US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

You’re in absolute denial and it’s hilarious.

You continue to completely airbrush Trump’s disgraceful behaviour and total incompetence. Then you bring up the Nazis.

You’re a cultist and I genuinely think you need help.

The WHO test works. The US rejected the WHO test.

But @anon7035031 supported that rejection because he’s a cultist in thrall to a child emperor.

Joe Biden is facing a #metoo moment now. His campaign could be over now. Kamala Harris will have to be consistent now and not back him with these new allegations.

He said the quiet part out loud.

Another public servant fired because they did their job, and because their job involved exposing the corruption of Trump.

Purge, purge, purge.

Seems this Sidney chap knew what he was talking about.

Biden does not seem to be how shall I put it, not compus mentis.

Rogan is a supporter of Bernie Sanders. How does that fit with your narrative?


There is serious concern about Biden from many Democrats. The recent attempts at statements from the basement of his house were very troubling. It could easily become a rock and a hard place situation by November.

Bernie Sanders is a Nazi?

sleepy joe ffs

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They should just let joe Rogan run the usa . If trump and Biden are anything to go by he’s the only adult in the country

It fits very easily. There is a small minority of Sanders “supporters”, people who aren’t suppporters of his at all in the real sense in that they do not support him based on policy, who subscribe to the “burn it down”, chaos theory, ie. they just want somebody to effectively destroy politics and the state. These are Sanders/Trump crossover people and there’s generally a racist tendency at the heart of such people.

This utter bozo Rogan falls into the above category.

The vast majority of Sanders supporters don’t subscribe to that ideology at all, are generally anti-racist, and are simply looking for a fairer society where healthcare is a right and a more European style welfare state gives people the opportunity to make a life for themselves and the knowledge that they won’t fall into penury should something bad happen to them. These are extremely reasonable demands.

Gee. This lad sure knows a lot of Americans.

How many Americans would one have to know to comment on trends in US politics, mate?

The delusion is strong with this one…

Oh look, a meaningless one line answer. You sure told me with that one. :grin:

It’s 15% who would vote for Trump over Biden and 20% overall who won’t vote for Biden (almost as damaging).

That’s a pretty sizeable number of voters. The whiny loony left are always a problem for the Dems.

Drink up, bud. Not a Bud, now, that’s muck.

The Democrats seem to hate left wing candidates. Creepy Joe is a joke