Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Yes, shoot to kill causes more deaths than it prevents

Sky now interviewing someone who was on the bridge at the time and had a worse view of the incident than the video theyā€™ve been showing on a loop.

What video are Sky showing?

The one you had above

Jaysus. Thatā€™s fairly raw for mainstream TV Iā€™d have thought

Is Kay on the scene yet?

They freeze the picture just before the shooting but let you hear the shots

No they had a reporter on the scene who was standing outside a barricade being told what had happened by the two in the studio alright, while she said words like panic and confusion multiple times


So the lad stabbing people is the real victim here?

Strange view to take mate

Very much so but the social justice warriors seem to be adopting it early

Only if heā€™s white - then weā€™ll have simpletons like you telling us he should have been listened to

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Social justice is a really weird thing to hate

I bet you hate chocolate and ice cream as well

Are you a social justice warrior?

Did she sing it in a Morrissey-like manner?

I suppose if she did that sheā€™d then have had to follow up by saying she hates all Muslims

Iā€™m certainly not given the colloquial meaning of the phrase

Do you think social justice is worth advocating for

Strange then that you are the only one with same view as ā€œsocial justice warriorsā€?

I donā€™t understand why he is trying to politicize this. Some people just canā€™t help thenselves

Iā€™m not? There was a question mark at the end of that statement